In Trouble

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We found ourselves spending the night at Miss Wren's house, sharing rooms, and a few of us settling in the living room. Despite the apparent fun and camaraderie, I couldn't help but notice the intense and serious conversation between Chan and Miss Peregrine outside the house, shrouded in secrecy. However, for the time being, I focused on introducing each member of our peculiar family to my father, sharing stories of our adventures, and carefully omitting the darker details.

The following morning brought a somber discovery as Addison informed us that my father had ceased to breathe. Although tears welled in my eyes, I maintained a resilient front as we laid his body to rest alongside the other children at the cemetery. After a few hours of mourning with Miss Wren's children, Miss Peregrine decided it was time for us to return to the mansion.

Upon our arrival, we were greeted by an unexpected sight – the house was in disarray, indicating that someone had been there before us, searching for all of us. The atmosphere grew tense, with Seungmin and Jeongin seeking refuge behind Hyunjin, Changbin holding onto Felix for reassurance, and Minho and Jisung in shock, surveying the once cozy place we called 'home.'

Glancing around, I noticed a shared knowing look between Chan and Miss Peregrine before the latter spoke urgently, "They arrived sooner than anticipated. There's no time to waste. This is an emergency – pack everything you need. We'll be traveling on foot in the outside world for a few weeks. I want everyone back here in 15 minutes."

Miss Peregrine's voice carried a sense of urgency and concern, and everyone quickly grasped the severity of the situation, rushing to their rooms to pack. Instead of following suit, I decided to seek out Chan for an explanation, urgency lacing my voice as I trailed his every step, "Chan, what's going on? Please, enlighten me."

In the midst of packing his bag and collecting a few jars filled with peculiar organs, Chan paused, sensing the urgency in my words. He made eye contact with me, leaving his belongings aside to tenderly touch my cheeks, "Love, you need to pack. I promise to explain everything, but we are in a rush at the moment."

"You won't evade your words, will you? You'll inform me?" The worry in my tone was palpable as he halted his movements, looking into my eyes. With a gentle peck on my forehead, he lovingly assured me, "I can never lie to you, nor can I keep a secret. You have my word, so go and pack."

With that, he gently pushed me toward the door. It seemed I needed to pack swiftly; something dire was unfolding, and I needed to play along to avert further trouble.

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