Ego In His Way

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"Alright, listen up, everyone. This isn't your typical brawl; there are no rules, and you can be as ruthless as you need to be. Keep in mind, whatever you do, avoid touching the cage at all costs, got it?" Minho took charge of the briefing, stepping forward as Chan decided to sit out for this round.

His words were primarily aimed at Felix and Hyunjin, who were unfamiliar with the brutal nature of the impending fight. As they surveyed the cage, they counted six figures on the opposing side.

"Wait a minute, this isn't fair! Six against four? How do we even win this match?" Hyunjin protested, gesturing to emphasize the glaring numerical disadvantage they faced.

"Six against four is the best odds you're going to get. Imagine if it were me, Jisung, and Y/n. If I couldn't enter like Chan, those two would be left on their own to survive. In the first round, the strongest fighters aren't allowed to fight alongside their comrades; usually, that's the leader."

All eyes turned back to Chan, who stood near Arthur, his expression betraying concern for his comrades. "Each round is different; they might take something away or give us something. To win, the other team must be unable to move a muscle, even if it means death. Don't hold back; they won't."

Their impromptu strategy session was interrupted by Arthur, who called for the leaders to speak before the match began.

Arthur fixed his gaze on Chan, anticipating a grand proclamation while dismissing the others. Chan, after a moment's consideration, cast a brief glance toward his comrades and then back at Arthur and James, sporting a sly smirk.

"Rather than just saying something, I propose making a deal—it sounds more entertaining."

The twins' eyes lit up with excitement as they awaited Chan's proposal. "For every round my crew wins, you have to provide us with a clue about Y/n's father's whereabouts. Obviously, he isn't here. Additionally, I get to read James's little analysis book."

James froze instantly, his eyes betraying shock and a hint of worry for his brother. The book held crucial information about their weaknesses and future plans. Chan seemed well aware of its significance, considering James had safeguarded it since their past, displaying a notable protectiveness. Arthur, annoyed at the suggestion, questioned, "Isn't that a little too much?"

"Well, judging by the nature of your 'game' here. You aren't planning on keeping us conscious or unharmed"

James wasn't pleased with the arrangement, a sentiment clearly written on his face. On the other side, Arthur grappled with the decision, but his ego ultimately led him to accept the deal. Chan shook hands with both Arthur and James before the signal to commence the match was given. "BEGIN!"

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