Honest Talk

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"... No, I wasn't bitten like in the stories. I used to be a lab rat. I don't remember how I ended up there. They already made various kinds of monsters there, so, why not experiment more, but this time adding capabilities from unique animals." Chan strolled his chair around as he spoke, searching for something on his desk. "My body was given a DNA and blood sample from a Diaemus Youngi, a species of vampire bats."

I kept my eyes locked on him as he spoke, even if he completely ignored my presence. His story background was intriguing, transforming from a lab rat into someone everyone could rely on. His tone of voice sounded feeble. It was evident he didn't cherish his past, and given the chance, he might want to erase the memories or even rewrite the entire backstory.

"I was only 7 when it happened. One night, something in me just changed, like something just ticked me off. I had enough... and killed, sucked their blood, and all." He paused for a while, looking up at the glass. His smile slowly and creepily expanded to his ears. The tone of his voice changed to that of a hyper kid, but something about it was odd.

"Used my powers to bring them back from the dead, afterwards..."

Glancing out the glass window at the five adults lying lifeless but somehow still breathing, he continued, "Bring them alive and just watch them kill each other again. It was like a horror movie and... I loved it. Looking at the blood splatter around, their limbs being cut off, and how their eyes begged to stop but their bodies did the opposite. It's only fair after what they did to me."

That's the creepy Bang Chan I know for sure.

He laughed loudly like a maniac, hands on his stomach as his brain recalled the precious memories. I sat up straight to look over at the glass; everything started making sense.

Those people chained up were the scientists he was talking about. Instead of feeling guilty about them, I no longer felt the pity I had before. Chan was right; it's fair. Instead, I let out a small giggle while thinking they deserved it, mostly influenced by hearing him laugh.

What is wrong with me? This isn't how I would normally react, but being around Chan somehow prompted me to do this. However, I liked it; no, I loved this new, weird side of me. It felt liberating as if some hidden part of my personality was finding its voice in the presence of Chan's dark tales.

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