Addison The 'Dog'

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Miss Wren's words hung in the air like a heavy mist, laden with the somber truth about my father's deteriorating health. "I would gladly lead you to him, but you see... He isn't in the greatest health. I'm frightened that it might not be long. I tried my best when he came injured, but this is probably the longest he can attain."

The revelation mirrored the forewarning I had received from the mysterious twin—Father's time was limited. Despite the truth stinging like a thousand needles, I found myself suppressing the urge to shed tears. The memories of his presence in my youth were too brief to plunge me into despair upon hearing the unsettling news.

"He once said that he wants to maintain breathing until he sees his daughter. It seems he only remembers you out of everything. When that task is done, he is willingly taking the hands of death," Miss Wren shared her voice a blend of compassion and acceptance.

"I see... then I want to meet him. I no longer want him to suffer," I responded, my resolve firm. Miss Wren nodded slowly, her eyes piercing mine as if attempting to decipher my innermost thoughts.

Rising from her seat, Miss Wren signaled her readiness to lead the way. However, Chan intervened, volunteering to accompany me on this emotionally charged journey. All eyes turned to Miss Peregrine, awaiting her approval. Once granted, Miss Wren called out the name of a child within the house, and after three repeated calls, a dog with glasses—of all things—pawed his way toward Miss Peregrine. To everyone's astonishment, the canine began to speak, revealing himself as Addison.

The revelation of a talking dog left us all in shock, our jaws dropping in unison, except for Miss Peregrine and Chan, who maintained their composure.

"I want you to lead this young man and woman to Mr. Hart's current room. Please clarify any questions they crave an answer to while you are on it. Thank you, Addison," Miss Wren instructed the articulate canine.

Without missing a beat, Addison took charge. "Well? What are you pondering? Let's go!" With that, he initiated his walk, and we followed behind discreetly. Once out of earshot, Addison began to share more about himself.

"I am a dog, yes, but a peculiar one. Why, then, should I be saddled with a common dog's name? My former master called me 'Boxie,' and I despised it, an assault on my dignity! So, I bit him on the face and took his name. The moral of the story, please call me by my name, Addison MacHenry, rather than the term 'dog.' I'm unique."

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