Lips Holding

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It was during lunch, precisely 2 days after the event, that Minho affirmed his plan on staying. The air buzzed with a sense of optimism, except for the typically stoic trio—Chan, Minho, and Miss Peregrine.

Later that night, the boys were determined to throw a warm welcome party for us, and that's what unfolded. After nine bottles of liquor were drained, half of us were already blissfully intoxicated.

I observed Hyunjin dancing, his movements both seductive and devoted, on an empty table. Jeongin and Seungmin playfully launched some monopoly money at him while whistling in admiration. Jisung, having indulged in the most drinks, passed out on top of Minho after giving him a tender kiss, expressing that Minho took too long, so he had to take the first move.

Changbin and Felix, initially engrossed in games and playful challenges, were now mysteriously absent, having disappeared after spending 2 hours with everyone.

Miss Peregrine excused herself, claiming she needed an early night. It was initially challenging to convince the typically reserved hostess to join, but the effort proved worth it. She mentioned her responsibility to manage everyone at sunrise, making it better for her to retire early.

In the dimly lit space, only Chan and I remained. Anyone observing would notice that I was a bit more intoxicated, my feet no longer able to support my weight, yet somehow miraculously still able to see and talk with precision.

Beside me, Chan had consumed six bottles of alcohol and shots, yet there were no signs of him getting anywhere near being drunk. It was a curious and somewhat worrying phenomenon.

"Your gaze is lingering." / "R-Right, sorry. I was just wondering how your body can handle all that alcohol." Chan chose to remain silent, and I didn't mind. I wasn't expecting an answer. Keeping my eyes on the dancing figures before us, I couldn't help but laugh; they were truly something special.

Just as I was about to rise to call it a night, Chan suddenly called my name with an unexpected seriousness. I turned to answer with a polite 'yes,' but before I could utter a word, something stopped me.

His lips.

A hushed quiet fell over the party, creating a momentary sanctuary within the lively chaos. The ambient glow of string lights above us cast a warm, intimate aura, framing Chan's features in a soft radiance. His eyes, deep and mysterious, locked onto mine, revealing a vulnerability that contrasted with his usual composed demeanor.

His lips, warm and inviting, met mine in a gentle caress. Time seemed to slow as the world around us blurred into insignificance. The taste of lingering liquor on our lips added a subtle, intoxicating sweetness to the kiss.

The touch was delicate, yet filled with an unspoken intensity. Chan's hand found its way to the small of my back, drawing me closer as the distance between us vanished. The subtle rise and fall of his chest echoed the rhythm of our shared breaths, creating a harmony that resonated in the air.

My senses heightened, capturing every nuance of the moment—the distant hum of music, the soft rustle of leaves in the night breeze, and the enticing fragrance of Chan's cologne, a scent that lingered like a secret shared between us.

As we eventually parted, the spell broke, and the lively sounds of the party resumed. Chan wore a faint, enigmatic smile, and I lost in the depth of his gaze, could only manage a breathless response, "G-Goodnight!"

Racing off to my bedroom, I noticed how he smirked and chuckled at my expression before responding, "See you in the morning." The air seemed to shimmer with the unspoken promise of something more, leaving the echo of our shared moment to linger in the night.

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