All Dressed Up

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As I descended the staircase, the sight that greeted me was a tableau of anticipation. The peculiar family, neatly arranged in two lines, stood at attention, their gazes fixated on Miss Peregrine, who, with an air of authority, began imparting a set of rules. It seemed like a preemptive measure to stave off potential arguments that might mar the occasion. At the end of one line, Minho stood, gripping onto Jisung's shoulder for support, the latter stationed just in front of him.

A subtle exchange of glances transpired between Jisung and me, silently affirming our shared resolve to face whatever lay ahead with resilience. Navigating through the formation, I positioned myself next to Chan at the opposite end of the line. As we stood side by side, I couldn't help but notice Chan's attentive gaze, scanning me from head to toe. The unexpected scrutiny elicited a flush, but I maintained my focus on Miss Peregrine, who was meticulously fixing Jeongin's and Seungmin's hair at the front of the line, sandwiched between Jisung and Changbin.

In the central space, flanked by me and Minho, stood Felix and Hyunjin, while the youngest member, exuding unrestrained excitement, occupied the foremost position, his eyes fixed on the door in eager anticipation of the approaching guests.

Miss Peregrine, in a moment of familial pride, couldn't help but marvel at the transformation before her. "God, look at all of you. So handsome and stunning. You grew up so fast... Now I want everyone on their best performance." Her stern gaze shifted to the most spirited among the family, directing pointed instructions, "No cursing, Changbin. Minho, no sassing around. And you two babies, calm down your excitement, got it?"

Changbin and Minho responded with synchronized eye rolls, while the youngest nodded vigorously, promising compliance. Miss Peregrine then cast a meaningful glance at Chan and me, urging us to avoid causing any undue tension during the impending visit.

I offered a reassuring smile, expressing my willingness to give it my best shot. However, Chan's demeanor suggested a more cautious approach, though he nodded nonetheless.

Amidst the charged atmosphere, a distinct KNOCK KNOCK resonated, sending a ripple of tension through the room. They were here. My body tensed involuntarily, and the only buffer between me and potential harm was the imposing door.

Chan sensed my unease and immediately intertwined our hands discreetly behind us, a silent gesture of reassurance. "Calm down. I swear they won't hurt you. There is nothing to fear," he whispered softly, his words meant for our ears alone. His comforting assurance induced a blush, effectively quelling my apprehension. There was, indeed, nothing to fret about.

Drawing closer to him, we both turned our attention back to Miss Peregrine as she swung open the main door, signaling the commencement of this momentous encounter.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

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