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As the conversation continued prior to Seungmin's arrival, Felix took us on a tour through different parts of the garden. The beauty of the surroundings distracted me momentarily until I noticed Changbin engrossed in a conversation with a much taller figure.

Felix seemed to catch my attention, and he enthusiastically yelled, "Changbin!! Hyunjin!!"

Hyunjin jogged towards us, wearing a vibrant smile, reminiscent of someone who stumbled upon a fresh discovery after a prolonged absence. Changbin, on the other hand, approached Felix with less enthusiasm but made his way over.

"Hey there, I heard a few things from Changbin about you guys," Hyunjin spoke first, extending his hand for a handshake, which I accepted, being the closest to him. "Nothing good for sure," Minho retorted, drawing a laugh from Hyunjin. Changbin, still displeased, approached Felix, ready to burn Minho if Felix didn't hold him back.

Hyunjin exuded a remarkable brightness and charisma, evident even in his laughter. "Anyway, my name is Hwang Hyunjin. I can control the weather. I bet Felix already told you a bit about Chan, so... I'm here because Chan found me helpless in the streets, while Changbin here was found being bullied!"

Changbin squeaked in betrayal, Hyunjin laughed heartily and Felix confirmed the story with a nod behind Changbin's back. "Hey, that's not true! I could fight back! I-It's just that I ran out of energy!" Felix played mediator between the two, Changbin with a frown and Hyunjin with a goofy smile.

"Learning all these names is starting to cause me a headache," Jisung remarked, the three of us shifting our attention away from the trio engrossed in their own conversation. I nodded in agreement, scanning our surroundings.

"Well, hold it in. We still haven't met one more and this Chan thingy. I say once everyone rests up, we are running out of this weird house!" I sighed at Minho's comment. While I didn't entirely disagree, I knew this would spark another argument between him and Jisung.

"And where to exactly, mister? We got nowhere to go! No food or money! Plus, they could still be looking for us! They could even be making a new controller while we speak, and this stupid tracker is still in our flesh!"

"Even if we did stay, this Chan won't let us! Let me deal with one shit at a time! Once we are out, I'll figure a way to take the damn tracker off! God Damnit!"

Standing between the two as they fought was uncomfortable. What was more embarrassing was that these two idiots didn't realize everyone was listening to their conversation. I offered them a smile, and Hyunjin and Felix responded similarly, while Changbin grew interested in this tracker.

The heated exchange drew the attention of another child toward us.

I noticed that every part of his body had stitches. Was he a living, breathing Frankenstein? Fortunately, I managed to maintain a composed expression, but I was uncertain how Jisung would react. "Guys! Shut up, we have new company here..."

"Right... This cute child here is Jeongin; he is the youngest we have here," Felix introduced the newcomer, pushing him in between us for a better view until an ear-piercing scream startled everyone.

Jisung screamed at the startling appearance of the kid, Hyunjin bit his lip to hold in his laughter, while Minho's face showed how interested he was to hear about the boy's backstory. This Jeongin kid didn't seem affected by the rude reaction as he spoke with a booming, hyper-child voice, excited to meet new people.

"Hi!! I'm Yang Jeong-in. I'm a living, breathing image of Frankenstein or a zombie you can say. Chan brought me back to life, and I love him!! BUT I LOVE CANDY MORE!!" I could now understand why people held Chan in such high regard; he played a crucial role in all their lives.

"Warning, don't steal his stash of candy," Hyunjin whispered calmly for only us to hear, not the young boy. I just realized something—everyone here is a boy, making me and Miss Peregrine the only girls in this house.

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