Not Important

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"You're not what now?"

My eyes darted anxiously between Minho and Jisung, like a spectator at a tennis match following the ball's every move. It became apparent that I wasn't the sole observer of this emotional showdown; some watched with concern, while others observed with a sense of dark amusement – most notably Chan and Changbin.

"I said, I'm not leaving. Go on, go. I'm not stopping you."

Fear took a firm grip as I officially became a spectator to the intense glares exchanged between my two best friends. The tension in the air was palpable, creating a heated atmosphere reminiscent of witnessing your parents argue for the first time.

Minho scoffed, disdain evident in his voice as he addressed Jisung, "You really are choosing to stay here with a bunch of strangers than with us, your family since you were six. Wow!" Sarcasm dripped from Minho's words, a calculated move to provoke Jisung.

"Say it all you want. I'm putting safety first, and what makes you think I would let Y/n go with you? She is clearly better off staying here with me!" My name being dragged into this only amplified my distress.

Looking around for assistance proved futile; everyone was engrossed in the unfolding drama, leaving only me, Jeongin, and Felix in a state of panic. As Minho proceeded to unleash his frustration, his tone, initially calm, escalated into a full-blown tirade.

"You are separating me from Y/n? You're kidding, right?" Minho clicked his tongue, his anger taking command of his words. "I don't give a damn if you want to stay here; go ahead! You're not as important as Y/n is to me! I only took you into our little group because of Y/n. Everything I did for you is because of Y/n! You better think twice about your words, cause I'm so ready to abandon you here with bruises!"

Audible gasps rippled through the room at Minho's brutal comeback. Even though I knew Minho didn't mean what he said, his words had hit a raw nerve.

Jisung meant the world to Minho, and there were times when Minho confessed to developing feelings for him. However, Minho's pride and ego seemed to be steering the wheel right now. My anxiety intensified, and I found myself putting my elbow on the table, my hand covering my face – a desperate attempt to shield myself from the impending emotional storm.

The piercing glares exchanged between my friends threatened to shatter me.

Jisung's eyes glistened with unshed tears; Minho's words cut deep. Sensing that the fight had escalated beyond repair, and knowing he stood to be hurt more by Minho's venomous words, Jisung turned to me.

An uneasy silence settled, and I shook my head, refusing to meet his gaze. Yet, Jisung forewent the need for eye contact and posed his last question aloud, his voice heavy with desperation, "Choose, Y/n. Me or this bastard?"

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