Something Is Fishy

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The mention of Chan's name caused a subtle blush to creep onto my cheeks, but I mustered the courage to approach Arthur for a hug. The embrace was surprisingly awkward, lingering longer than anticipated. As I moved towards James, he didn't hesitate and scooped me up into a warm hug, my feet dangling off the floor. A spontaneous giggle escaped me, captivated by James's unexpected gesture.

Despite my initial reservations, I found myself growing fond of James and his amiable character, even though the unpredictability of the future lingered in the back of my mind.

Standing next to Chan, his hand discreetly rested on my waist, cleverly concealed from prying eyes. Although my face undoubtedly betrayed my embarrassment, looking up at him revealed a cold exterior, with the exception of the subtle squeeze on my waist, hinting at a contrary sentiment.

Jisung was spared from their embraces, lacking the personal connection James had with Minho or the affection Arthur harbored for me. Nevertheless, Jisung didn't seem bothered, offering a cheerful bow as a parting gesture.

Miss Peregrine took charge, guiding them towards the headgate, leaving the rest of us by the door. Changbin's tone carried a mix of anger and concern as he voiced his displeasure at being left uninformed. Hyunjin, with a mischievous grin and a wink, suggested addressing the concerns after soothing Seungmin and Jeongin, leading Changbin away to the kitchen.

"I'm not upset that you didn't inform me. I get it, but a heads-up would have been nice. Looks like we've got a major hurdle ahead," Jisung spoke, walking away with Minho in pursuit.

Left alone, Chan and I faced each other. "You seem oddly calm for someone who just learned their father is taken away and losing his life," he observed. Shifting our bodies, I couldn't resist wrapping my arms around his shoulder, and letting out a small chuckle. "Everything just seems... suspicious? I'll tell you later. Right now, I'm going to make sure the kids are safe with some sweets."

As my arms gradually released from his broad shoulders and I stepped away, I felt his hand glide off from my waist, leaving a subtle but lingering trail behind. "Suspicious, huh? Now that I think about it... she may be right," Chan mused, hinting at a shared uncertainty about the events that had just unfolded.

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