We Need To Go Back

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Obtaining lunch became an arduous task under the piercing scrutiny of countless eyes. Despite my best efforts to ignore the whispers that resonated in the air, the weight of their judgment lingered. "I swear if I hear another word coming out of your filthy mouths, I won't hesitate to tear you apart," Chan declared vehemently, his words causing a tremor of fear among the group of kids seated at a nearby table.

While it was somewhat satisfying to witness their fear, a twinge of guilt accompanied the satisfaction. "Chan, that's not very friendly," I remarked, attempting to inject a note of reason into the tense atmosphere.

"So are the words they're spouting, Y/n. Just eat fast so we can get out of this miserable place," Minho chimed in, albeit speaking with his mouth full of meat, which earned him disapproving glares from everyone around.

After what felt like an interminable hour, we collectively left the cafeteria, hoping to stumble upon something out of the ordinary or, quite frankly, anything at all.

Our efforts proved futile as if the facility had been meticulously secured and guarded to prevent any discovery. Amid our collective frustration, Hyunjin interjected with an unexpected question, "Hey, this might be out of nowhere, but don't they torture children around here?" Minho and I halted in our tracks, contemplating the implication of his suggestion. We had been avoiding that particular room, but with no leads in sight, exploring the room seemed like a plausible course of action.

Minho, however, swiftly dismissed the idea, "We're not going anywhere near that room, do you hear me, Y/n? The last time you went there, you almost died, if it weren't for Jisung's headstrong decision to follow some strangers—no offense, Felix."

"None taken." / "But Minnie, we've searched the entire place for the past three hours. There's nothing out here. We might as well go back in there and find a clue about their plan," I reasoned, trying to sway Minho, who proved to be more challenging to convince than Jisung.

"Chan, buddy, back me up here. Tell this short girl how ridiculous, dangerous, and entirely out of her mind her approach is," Minho implored, seeking support from our leader.

All eyes turned to Chan as I attempted my best puppy-eyed look, joined by Hyunjin doing the same. Chan, carefully assessing the situation, concluded, "...Being here is already threatening and jeopardizing our lives. If we're going back home, we might as well bring back some traces, or all of this is just a worthless plan that I never liked in the first place."

He then turned his gaze to Minho, adopting a mocking pout. "Right, Minnie?"

Minho let out a growl, snapping his teeth at Chan in an attempt to intimidate him. However, Chan remained unfazed, responding with a scoff. The peculiar dynamic between Minho and Chan, somewhere between camaraderie and antagonism, left everyone uncertain of the true nature of their relationship.

Minho groaned audibly, his body writhing as if emulating a fish out of the water, visibly expressing his disdain for the suggested plan. Seeking assistance, he turned to Felix, who, calm but resigned, recognized that Minho wouldn't easily turn down any request from Chan.

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