Sad Story Of The Past

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And so, our groupings were established, and carefully organized based on weight considerations. Jisung and I found ourselves paired with Miss Peregrine, being the lightest among the lot. Meanwhile, Jeongin and Seungmin were entrusted to Chan's care, while the trio of Hyunjin, Felix, and Changbin begrudgingly accompanied Minho, much to the latter's delight.

As we gathered to embark on this peculiar ascent, the anticipation hung in the air. All eyes fixated on Minho, who, with a focused expression, initiated his transformation into a gorilla—the largest and most robust of apes. It was a spectacle in itself, as Felix tentatively climbed onto his back. However, a mischievous glint danced in Minho's eyes, hinting at an impending playful escapade.

Before any warnings could be issued, Minho, in gorilla form, began a lively display, leaping around with Felix securely gripping his neck fur. Hyunjin clung to his broad shoulders, while Changbin found himself dragged by the leg, a not-so-subtle act of mischief. They soared towards the towering house, leaving behind a trail of laughter and chaos.

The soundtrack of Hyunjin's screams, Felix's infectious laughter, and Changbin's indignant insults echoed in the air, creating a cacophony of amusement. Observing the spectacle, Chan subtly whispered 'immature,' eliciting a giggle from me. With no time to waste, Chan assumed the role of a caretaker, carrying Jeongin like a baby and Seungmin on his back. Leveraging his vampire abilities, he effortlessly scaled the heights, jumping towards the house with youthful exuberance.

"Shall we, kids?" Miss Peregrine inquired, and Jisung and I nodded in agreement. With a swift transformation, she gently scooped us up with her claws at the back of our shirts. Unlike the others, we relished the delightful experience, the gentle wind caressing us as a backdrop to Jisung's joyous giggles. Miss Peregrine gracefully landed us on the ground just in time to witness Changbin's vocal scolding directed at an unabashed Minho, who had reverted to his human form.

Surveying the scene, my eyes caught Hyunjin curled up in a ball, tears streaming down his face, while Felix offered comforting solace beside him. A few seconds later, Chan descended with two giggling youngsters, their infectious cuteness melting away any lingering frustration.

"Now, now, kids," Miss Peregrine interjected, "I want everyone on their best behavior here. Whatever you do, avoid mentioning other children in the house. It was raided and destroyed in the past, though it has been remodeled now. Not all the children survived the war, and I don't want Miss Wren to be reminded of those painful memories."

A somber mood settled over the group at Miss Peregrine's words. Her revelation provided clarity regarding the cemetery not far away, likely filled with the peculiar animals that had fallen during the war. Jeongin, fighting back tears, mustered a brave smile, ready to extend comfort to the new friends we were about to meet.

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