Heated Up Moment

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I observed how Chan hesitated to answer my question, a departure from his usual confidence. His silence felt unfamiliar, and I was surprised to witness this uncharacteristic moment of uncertainty from him.

Choosing to ignore my inquiry, I slowly slid off the bed, covering my exposed chest, and settled onto his thighs. My arms wrapped around his neck, fingers gently playing with his soft hair. Despite the delay in his response, I found solace in his embrace, craving the comfort of a hug.

"Let's put aside the ridiculous questions for now. It's not relevant at the moment. Felix mentioned that today is a very special day called Christmas. How about we go downstairs and celebrate? I'm genuinely excited," I suggested, attempting to redirect the conversation.

Finally, a genuine smile graced Chan's features, a smile that effortlessly overshadowed any flaws he might have. It had the power to make me blush; that one smile held immense authority.

"Yes, it's Christmas. Here's a heads-up. See up there?" Chan directed my attention to a cute mistletoe, a festive symbol I'd heard of but never quite grasped the concept.

A deep chuckle escaped Chan's lips, morphing into a sly smirk. What was he planning? My gaze followed his gesture, and I soon found myself feeling his rough hand securing my waistband before fiddling with the bottom of my pants. "Cha-Chan?" I questioned, uncertain of his intentions.

"When you're standing under mistletoe with someone, it's a must to kiss them," he declared before abruptly smashing our lips together, eliciting a moan from me. The kiss was intense, rough, and sloppy, catching me off guard. I didn't resist as his tongue explored my mouth.

Warmth enveloped my chest as Chan deepened the kiss, the mingling scents of my blood and his musky fragrance creating a dizzying effect. Sparks ignited in my stomach, and I broke the kiss, gasping for breath. Chan's grin remained, his eyes fixed on my now swollen lips.

"So, you better keep watch where you're standing, love." His gaze roamed me, and he bit his lip teasingly.

"In this mansion, we also like to celebrate the day in our PJs... Since you're wounded, I'll help strip you," he declared, catching me off guard. Wait, strip me?

Before I could voice my objections, he resumed the passionate kiss, my mind now focused on his touch. His hands explored my body unabashedly, sending shivers down my spine. Hoisting me onto the bed, he abruptly removed my pants, earning a whimper from me. Each time I tried to create some distance, he pressed his lips more forcefully against mine. A low chuckle and a slight pinch on my side warned me not to resist too much.

I felt his hands playing with my lace undergarments, venturing up under my shirt to explore the skin beneath my breast. His fingers teased me, alternating between caressing my nipple and squeezing it firmly.

"C-Chan? Minho's heavy footsteps. I-I can hear it," I managed to break the kiss to take a deep breath. However, Chan continued to place kisses on my throat, leaving love bites as he molded my breast. Despite my concerns about Minho's imminent arrival, Chan seemed unfazed.

As he descended below my shirt to my bare stomach, I put my hands on his shoulders, trying to draw his attention. "I-I'm pretty sure this is more than a kiss."

His laughter vibrated against my stomach as I pleaded with him about Minho and the need to stop. My body felt hot and sweaty from the intensity of the moment, and I whimpered and groaned, biting down on my swollen lips, attempting to hold myself together.


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