Identity Revealed

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As the imposing main door swung open, ushering in an air of mystery, two enigmatic figures cloaked in black coats made their entrance. One of the men sported a hat, the brim casting a shadow over his features, and he leaned on a cane for support. His companion, however, concealed his entire face behind thick black glasses, leaving only a vague impression of his countenance. Despite their physical resemblance, their hair color—one black, the other brown—was the sole distinguishing feature that set them apart.

The duo meticulously surveyed the room, their discerning eyes skimming over each child, pausing longest at Chan and affording me the lengthiest scrutiny. Though they maintained a considerable distance, an aura of unease radiated from them, casting a pall of apprehension over the children. The unfamiliarity with these guests compelled everyone to adopt a defensive stance, banishing the earlier beams of joy from their faces, even dimming Jeongin's typically radiant expression.

With the door securely closed behind them, Miss Peregrine positioned herself between the two groups, her poised demeanor attempting to diffuse the palpable tension. "Now, children, these are our guests, Mr. Arthur and Dr. James. You may call them..."

"Oh, no need for the etiquette. Just call us by our given names," interjected James, the twin known for his IQ powers and his ability to lighten the mood. Yet, a shrewd observer would remember that James was not always a purveyor of sunshine and flowers.

"Right... Children, why don't you introduce yourselves one by one? Why don't you start first, my child?" Miss Peregrine encouraged Jeongin to speak, though the young boy hesitated, sensing that something was awry. "My n-name is Jeongin. Yang Jeongin."

"Oh my, look at that, Arthur. You sure look like you went through a lot... Those stitches, don't they belong to..." James trailed off, his gaze lifting to meet Chan's cold eyes after scrutinizing Jeongin's face. A mischievous grin played on James's lips, clearly attempting to incite Chan's anger, but I discreetly squeezed our intertwined hands to soothe him.

Disappointment flashed across James's face, and he gestured for the next child to continue, Seungmin. "... I'm Kim Seungmin."

I noticed Arthur studying Seungmin as if trying to recall his face from some distant memory. "Ah, I know you. You're the kid who managed to escape before my men could take you to my home for special needs children."

The revelation left no room for concealment. The children now knew the true identity of these mysterious guests. Seungmin, visibly terrified, took a step back, colliding with Hyunjin, who instinctively wrapped his arms around Seungmin for protection. Jeongin clutched onto Changbin's shirt for support, avoiding the penetrating gazes of the adults.

Miss Peregrine wore a visible frown, observing the fear that had gripped the children. Though she feigned composure, it was clear she was troubled by the turn of events. Anything could unfold, and her primary task was to maintain a vigilant guard against any suspicious occurrences.

"Arthur, look, you've scared the poor child! Now, now, kids, there's nothing to fear. We promise to come for a cup of tea only, so why don't you continue your introductions?"

All eyes turned to Miss Peregrine, who nodded reassuringly, signaling the children to obey the words of their uninvited guests. Seungmin and Jeongin, having finished their introductions, retreated behind the others, their steps guided by fear. The two youngest sought refuge behind Chan's protective frame, poised on the stairs, ready to bolt and hide if necessary. Trust in these guests was a commodity no one was willing to invest in.

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