Don't Look At Me

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"I still can't fathom why I'm expected to stay. I'm practically lost in this vast house, and you think I'll be fine while you guys are out there risking injury?" Changbin's discontent echoed through the room, his gaze avoiding us as he sought valid reasons for Felix's decision.

"Because they need you, Changbin. You're the big brother now," Felix approached him, enveloping him in a comforting hug while holding back tears. "With Chan and Minho gone, who's going to keep everyone in check? You will. You're going to be fine here, and so will we out there."

Watching them, I couldn't shake the guilt that enveloped me. My plan had implicated everyone, and now they were grappling with the consequences.

"Why do I have to stay? I can take Hyunjin's position! I know the place; it's my second home, even if I hate it there. So why can't I go help out?" Jisung's frustration erupted, directed at both Minho and me. Understanding the underlying pain of our departure, I bore no offense to his outburst.

"Because, as you said, you know the area. That's precisely why you need to stay. In case anything happens—IF!" Minho interjected quickly, forestalling potential panic from Jisung and Changbin, "If something does occur, we need you to step up and lead the way for help. Jisung, listen. I need you to be tough and trust me." Minho's words bridged the silence between us, and I nodded in agreement after lowering my head, burdened by the weight of guilt.

"How... how long will you be gone?" Jeongin's question hung in the air, leaving everyone momentarily speechless.

Unbeknownst to them, all eyes shifted to me. I could sense the collective disappointment and sadness, and it only intensified my guilt. Turning away to face the door, I concealed my teary eyes, an act only noticed by Chan, Hyunjin, and Felix, standing in a line in front of the others, while Minho stayed with Jisung.

"Enough! I understand you're all feeling sad, angry, and scared for us, but let's not sow seeds of regret. Everyone here has volunteered to help Y/n. To address your question, we won't be gone for long."

"We won't?" The confusion in the room mirrored my own, as Chan's statement left us all seeking clarification.

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