Deal With It

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Two weeks slipped away effortlessly, transforming the mansion into a Christmas-themed amusement park, much to Changbin's displeasure. The youngsters seemed to have adopted an anthem of Christmas carols, singing from every corner, and even barging into the toilet while Changbin was using it, treating him to a rendition of "The 179 Days of Christmas" – the longest Christmas carol ever composed.

Despite the torment of the caroling intrusion, Miss Peregrine occasionally paused to join in the festive melodies or capture the amusing spectacle, all the while enduring Changbin's continuous bickering.

Meanwhile, a stark contrast in mood prevailed among the other five confined to the prison. Chan, Minho, and Hyunjin immersed themselves in rigorous training, even doing push-ups and pull-ups within their cells, gearing up for the upcoming tournament. In contrast, Felix and Y/n were focused on deciphering the mystery of Y/n's father and identifying potential weaknesses in other competing teams.

As the clock struck 10 p.m., the group found themselves in their respective cells. Fortunately, they were placed in an unfurnished hall, separate from the other children, and left to their own devices. This isolation allowed them to communicate without unwanted interference from curious onlookers.

Cell 1 (Chan, Minho, and Y/n)

Cell 2 (Hyunjin and Felix)

Their cells faced each other, providing a clear view of everything transpiring. However, the vigilant gaze of four guards patrolling the end of the hall reminded them of their confined reality.

"57... 58... 59... 60...61"

Y/n, sprawled on the bottom bunk bed with a book provided by Arthur, couldn't help but voice the question that had been lingering in her mind all night. "Are you boys going to be at it until you hit a hundred?"

Chan settled beside Y/n, taking a deep breath as he relinquished the strenuous exercise. Minho, however, retorted, "I am going to finish when I want to. Deal with it, shorty," continuing his push-ups. Y/n, annoyed by the shirtless display, grabbed the nearest pillow to throw at him.

Observing the interaction, Chan chuckled and took a sip from his water bottle. Y/n suggested, "Why don't you join Hyunjin's cell then? Felix is following him, and you won't disrupt my peace and quiet." Minho, now lying on the cold floor, responded, "First of all, their cell is literally not a stone's throw away from 'yours.' Even if I was in their cell, you would still hear me. Second-"

Minho paused as Y/n helped wipe off Chan's sweat, expressing concern about him overexerting himself. Chan enjoyed the attention, relishing in Y/n's worried look. Minho abruptly stood up, squeezing himself between the two in a seemingly 'romantic' mood. Ignoring Chan's annoyance, Y/n leaped onto the top bunk, declaring, "Well then, goodnight. Tomorrow is a big day. I recommend some sleep and try not to kill each other tonight."


As the lights dimmed, Minho and Chan frowned at each other. "I swear to god, Minho. If you kick me out of bed again, I won't hesitate to do the same to you, but you'll end up next door."

"It's not my fault I move around in my sleep, jeez."

"How the heck does Jisung handle you?"

"Shut up!"

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