Your Decision

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Chan glanced down at me, prepared to offer reassurance, but I maintained a calm and neutral expression upon receiving the unexpected news. The collective surprise among the onlookers was palpable, prompting someone to voice the skepticism lingering in everyone's minds, "How do I know you're not lying?"

The question sparked a collective cognitive surge as we grappled with the realization that blind trust in Arthur and James was unwarranted. Doubts lingered, casting a shadow over the authenticity of the information. "Well, my dear, that is up for you to determine. I know how curious you are; it's in the bloodline, is it not? You know where to locate us whenever you're ready," Arthur remarked, rising from his seat and striding towards the main door, leaving James to stare at him in bewilderment. 

"I'm regretful, but we have a very hectic timetable for now. James, get up!! I am glad that you all seem fresh and healthy... but it won't be lengthy," James hastily rose to his feet, trailing after his brother.

The collective gesture of bidding farewell ensued, everyone, rising except for the youngsters, who, under Miss Peregrine's directive, began washing the teacups under Felix's guidance. Hyunjin handed back their coats, while Changbin, visibly uncharmed, offered a silent glare in the direction of the departing men.

"Minho, my hug?" Despite a visible exhalation of irritation from Minho, he approached and embraced James. "Y/n, since I have a hunch it might be moons till we meet again or even a year, why don't you give us a hug?"

Engulfed in contemplation, I hesitated. Miss Peregrine, sensing my internal conflict, gave me a gentle push while whispering reassuring words into my ear, "It's fine, darling. Chan is around; nothing will happen to you." The nudge from Miss Peregrine served as the catalyst, and I reluctantly moved forward, offering a hug amid the mixed emotions swirling within me.

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