Hiding For The Fam

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❝ On the day of the date ❞

Waking up with a sense of grogginess, I gradually absorbed my surroundings before the realization dawned upon me – today is the day of the date. Questions flooded my mind: What should I wear? How about makeup? What do I do?

It was evident to any spectator that this was my first date, and the palpable panic was hard to conceal. Alright, calm down, Y/n. Let's start by taking a shower and rid ourselves of this lingering scent and the anxiety that clings to us.

Taking the longest shower I've ever indulged in – a two-hour extravaganza – I emerged from the bathroom to find a dress on my bed. The dress, elegantly draping below my knees, hugged my figure snugly, and its color resembled one of my favorite short dresses. Accompanying it was a note.

Then my eyes fell on the note beside it...

┍━━━━━━━ ☟ ━━━━━━━┑

My Dearest Y/N,

Upon hearing from Chan that he had finally mustered the courage to ask you out, my maternal instincts sensed that it was going to be your first date.

My advice to you is to stay calm and be yourself.

Anticipating that you might be overwhelmed, I've selected an outfit that complements your fabulous frame. As for makeup, I suggest keeping it light. Just stick to your regular routine. Best of luck, my dear!

P.S. I'll attempt to distract the kids, but I can't guarantee they won't be spying on you two.

┕━━━━━━━ ☝︎ ━━━━━━━┙

The note was from Miss Peregrine.

Chan must have had no choice but to inform her, as we needed her approval to leave the house. Chuckling at her last sentences, I could vividly imagine the expressions on everyone's faces, particularly Minho's when he discovered that I was going on a date with Chan.

Swiftly donning the outfit chosen by Miss Peregrine and applying light makeup, I admired myself in the full-length mirror just as a knock echoed through the room.

Unlocking the door, there stood Chan, his eyes scanning me up and down with a smirk before greeting me with a genuine smile. "Are you ready? It might be a bit tricky to make our way out of here."

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