Round One, Complete

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The gaze of everyone present shifted from the horrifying scene within the cage to the two leaders standing beside the twin.

One of the prisoners knelt on his kneecaps, pleading and shouting at Arthur, but the sadistic pleasure on Arthur's face betrayed any chance of mercy. His attention was fixated on me, seemingly enthralled by my merciless actions.

Meeting eyes with Chan, I sensed an emotionless resolve in his gaze. Unlike Hyunjin and Felix, who expressed a mixture of horror and desperation, or Minho, who had seemingly given up on me, Chan seemed to revel in the gruesome display. His expression, however, conveyed a subtle directive, urging me to conclude the brutality, as if he were growing bored of the spectacle from his elevated position.


Returning my attention to the boy standing before me, I watched as he pushed his two teammates to the ground, awaiting my next command. The venom coursing through their veins was taking its toll, albeit at a slow pace.

"Finish them, I'm tired," I commanded, and without hesitation, he delivered a brutal blow to one of them, his boots striking the skull. Blood splattered across the surroundings, staining my appearance, yet I remained unfazed. The other male, sobbing and begging for his life, met a different fate—his neck was mercilessly broken, and his severed head was presented to me as a morbid offering.

"F-For you, m-master," he stammered, holding onto the head with tears streaming down his face. A weary sigh escaped my lips as I slowly calmed my mind. My eyes, which had glowed with a radiant red, gradually dimmed. The influence over the boy waned, and the cruel reality of his actions began to penetrate his consciousness.

Before he could utter a scream, he expelled a massive amount of blood, staining my shoes and prompting a scowl of disgust from me. Paralyzed by the pain, he collapsed between his two deceased friends.


Despite Arthur's proclamation of our victory, a heavy silence hung in the air as everyone continued to stare, transfixed and terror-stricken, at me as I exited the cage upon the guards unlocking the door.

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