She Saw Him

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"Y-Y/n? M-My child. Addison, my child is here. Wow, you have grown."

Swiftly, Addison pushed away the net, allowing my father to take in my appearance more thoroughly. I, too, observed him. Despite his frailty and weakness, a huge grin adorned his face. His eyes now held color, fingers twitching in an attempt to hold mine, and his voice was filled with joy. "P-Please come closer, my child. Oh, how I desired to meet you."

His words were carefully chosen, conveying a sense of remorse for past actions, as if he understood the mistakes he had made and wished to avoid further upsetting me.

Hesitant to move closer due to a mixture of fear and anger, Chan gently took my hand, guiding me forward while whispering sweet reassurances in my ear. Both my father and Addison noticed the intimacy between us, but I chose to disregard their gaze, focusing internally on Chan's comforting words.

"Y/n darling, l-let me apologize-"

"There's no need. I've learned to overlook past actions and continue living. Just... Just give me the reason why you broke your promise that night. Looking back, you avoided eye contact and left the room quickly, as if you knew.

You erased everyone's memory of you, making me seem like a madman searching for a man named David Hart when the town already had such a gruesome image of me. But, most of all, you left me with my mother. A woman you knew would do anything to hurt me."

A heavy silence enveloped the room as we awaited my father's response to my sudden outburst, filled with a mix of anger and sadness. His gaze avoided mine, acknowledging the anger in my eyes, revealing a fear greater than he had anticipated.

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