Worst Than Nightmare

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It's been two years since my father left, and in that time, my life has taken a dark turn. When I was just five years old, I discovered a power within me - the ability to control minds. It all started one day while I was playing alone in the neighborhood park with my beloved stuffed doll, a gift from my father. A group of older kids, around ten years old, found it amusing to bully me. They tossed my doll around, taunting me as I desperately tried to catch it. The anger inside me began to boil.

In a moment of rage, I grabbed one of the bullies by the collar. As our eyes met, a surge of electricity passed through my skin and into his body. It was a shocking experience, both literally and figuratively. "Go die," I muttered, and just like that, he lost his footing and stumbled onto the road, right in front of an oncoming car. I had unintentionally taken a life. People became terrified of me, and my mother was deeply ashamed of my actions. She locked me away at home, hoping to hide me from the world.

Strangely enough, I didn't mind being confined. In fact, I relished in the solitude. But everything changed when I turned six years old. One evening, at around 8 p.m., I cautiously crept down the stairs, careful not to make any noise that would anger my mother. I heard strange sounds coming from the kitchen - moaning and the shattering of plates. "Mother? Is everything alright? I heard something crash," I called out, concerned.

As I stood in the doorway, I witnessed a scene that no child should ever have to see. But strangely, it didn't faze me. "Who is this man?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. My mother was furious at being interrupted, but the man who was on top of her seemed to take an interest in me. He left my mother on the counter and approached me, eyeing my doll with a tight grip.

"Well, well, well. You never mentioned you had a child... and such a beautiful one at that. I wouldn't mind spending the night with her. What do you say?" he leered, his intentions clear. "And leave me here all hot and bothered? That little brat comes at a price," my mother replied, her voice dripping with bitterness.

Though I was young, I wasn't naive. I knew exactly what these two adults had in

In a split second, I spun around and attempted to flee, but the man managed to grab hold of me, forcefully bringing me down onto the unforgiving floor. My heart raced with fear as I found myself on top of him.

"$100? Alright, you've got yourself a deal," I reluctantly agreed, my voice laced with resignation.

He began sniffing around my neck, causing a wave of revulsion to wash over me. Desperate to escape this horrifying situation, I summoned my powers. Just as he was about to tear open my clothes, I made direct skin contact with his neck, causing his eyes to transform into a menacing shade of red.

"Go to hell!" I spat defiantly, my words dripping with defiance.

It was the second life I had taken, and this time, my mother bore witness to the gruesome scene. Her screams filled the air as the man retrieved a gun from his pocket and shot himself right before her eyes, splattering blood all over her cherished dress.

As our eyes met, I knew that tomorrow, I would no longer call this house my home.

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