Take Over The World

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The anticipated day arrived, and the prison's usual chaos filled the air during dinner. As planned, Jisung and Minho distanced themselves, feigning a rupture in our friendship, providing the perfect cover for what was about to unfold.

I endured a barrage of insults, holding onto my resolve. 'Don't kill them, y/n. You can control this. Just hurt them a little.' The tension reached its peak when a bowl of soup collided with my head—a signal for the impending chaos. It was time to act.

With a deep breath, I seized the instigator by the neck, forcing her to meet my eyes. As the electric sensation coursed through me, I commanded, "...Cause mayhem for me, darling." The chaos unfolded as she unleashed her unique powers, but the situation veered into unforeseen territory—she began taking lives instead of merely causing mayhem.

Jisung and Minho, recognizing the deviation from the plan, swiftly retreated from the unfolding tragedy. Meanwhile, guards arrived to apprehend me, the chaos's alleged mastermind. Strapped into an uncomfortable electric chair, I awaited the arrival of my unwelcome guests. The two men, shrouded in mystery and malevolence, approached with a disturbingly casual air.

"Y/n, oh y/n. You just seem to always amaze me," one of them remarked, meeting my gaze through the restraints. I responded with a small smile and a suppressed giggle. "My, just look at that adorable smile. I see you have grown up, young lady. What's the record this time?" the other inquired, consulting my ominous record folder.

"Wow! Arthur, look at this. This time, you killed 27 people. The last time was only 4. That's quite amazing!!" His excitement contrasted sharply with my horror—I hadn't intended for lives to be lost. "Hmm, I see. You have really unique powers, my child. I'm quite jealous. You see, my twin brother, James, and I have been thinking. Why don't you come join us?"


They looked at each other before the one in the coat said, "It's us. We're taking over the world. With powers like yours and James's incredible IQ, taking over the world is as easy as taking candy from a baby."

The idea of world domination was unsettling, especially considering the potential casualties. The thought of my loved ones suffering under such a regime fueled my resolve. ".... OVER MY DEAD BODY!!"

Arthur sighed at my defiance, leaving the room and whispering instructions to the guards. The remaining man, James, continued, "My brother and I have taken a liking to you, y/n, probably even more than just using your powers. I suggest you tone down that anger and learn a few manners." As he spoke, James approached me with a creepy smirk, leaning in to whisper a chilling promise, "We won't hesitate to mess up your mind—just wait until my latest invention comes alive."

The room felt suffocating as James's words hung in the air, his chilling promise resonating in my ears. I met his unnerving gaze, unable to shake off the ominous feeling that accompanied his sinister smirk. The stakes had escalated beyond the prison walls; I now faced an offer to join forces with these enigmatic figures and a foreboding glimpse into the malevolence that lurked within their minds.

"We won't hesitate to mess up your mind—just wait until my latest invention comes alive," he whispered, the words sending shivers down my spine. What kind of twisted creation was he alluding to? The uncertainty added another layer of dread to an already tense situation.

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