The Trio

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Released from the torture room after enduring two grueling days of pain, my body adorned with bruises and cuts, I navigated my way toward the courtyard where the collective gaze of my fellow inmates bore into me, their eyes sharp with fear and uncertainty. Hauling my tired legs, I moved slowly, the weight of what I had unleashed hanging heavily in the air. Van, the aggressor from before, had met his tragic end in the process of my command, adding a somber note to the atmosphere.

A deep sigh escaped me as memories flooded back, a mixture of regret and acceptance of the consequences of my actions. Amidst the crowd, a thought nagged at me: Would Minho continue our friendship after the chaos I had wrought?

Fearing rejection, I instinctively turned to flee, seeking refuge in the anonymity of the crowd. Yet, instead of locking eyes with Minho, I found myself face-to-face with the tall boy from that fateful day. Han Jisung.

Relief washed over me as I surveyed his body for any signs of harm. "You should be worried about yourself first. You look terrible," I muttered, avoiding eye contact.

Jisung, undeterred, extended his hand for a shake. "The name is Han Jisung. I haven't thanked you for helping me. You and your friend are true heroes." Skepticism crept into my thoughts—why wasn't he afraid? Was there a hidden agenda behind his gratitude?

"Just shake his damn hand, y/n. You are leaving the poor kid there all awkward and shy," Minho's voice resonated behind me. "R-Right," I stammered, flinching at Minho's presence. Focusing on Jisung, I accepted his hand, feeling the warmth of a genuine connection.

"Let's be friends from now on. I should start making some friendship bracelets. Oh right, we are the same age, right? Ah, let's make a nickname for each--" Jisung's enthusiastic rambling about our newfound friendship filled the air.

Meanwhile, Minho seized the opportunity to speak to me quietly, "Don't even think about avoiding me, idiot..." Our eyes met, guilt in mine, and Minho's expression a mix of sternness and understanding. "Fine, I was scared of seeing your powers, but did you forget our oath? I'm not leaving you over something as stupid as this. Got it?"

I nodded, relieved that Minho had chosen not to abandon me. Then, he added, "Another thing, this Jisung kid is now stuck with us. That's what you get for saving someone's life. Ugh, he is way too hyper..."

Tears welled up in my eyes, not out of despair, but out of joy. Minho chose to stay, Jisung became a new addition, and a dream of mine unfolded—a group of friends who cared for me despite my dangerous flaw.

Both boys were taken aback by my tears, and in a heartwarming moment, they decided on a group hug. Minho, with a sigh and a slightly displeased look, and Jisung, radiating sunshine with a huge smile. Here I was, crying out of joy for having the two in my life, realizing that nothing and no one else was needed anymore.

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