A Plan B

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The once quiet and tense atmosphere in the house had transformed into a lively and energetic state. It took a while for the younger members of the group to loosen up, as they expressed their frustration at not being informed promptly. 

Their argument echoed sentiments of maturity, proclaiming, "We aren't kids anymore. We're young adults, so that indicates we can handle all the news." Assurances were made that secrecy would be replaced with transparency, and the collective decision to share information prevailed.

Minho had remarkably bonded with the rest of the group, even engaging in friendly banter with Changbin without the usual scowls. While their interactions were a step forward, the loud and occasionally heated exchanges between them persisted, making it challenging for even a minute to pass by peacefully in the house.

Jisung and Felix had formed a close friendship, finding solace in each other's company as their boyfriends were preoccupied with playful taunts and teasing. Together, they gossiped and schemed, planning pranks to divert attention from the ongoing banter.

Hyunjin dedicated time to Seungmin, offering companionship and working to bring smiles to the young boy's face. Despite Seungmin's attempts to conceal it, the unexpected visit from Arthur and James had left him wary, causing flinches at loud noises and moments of unintentional fear.

Jeongin found contentment in his own world of candies and occasional disruptions to Miss Peregrine's work. He alternated between assisting her and spending time with me and Chan, discussing his curiosities and sharing wishes for upcoming birthdays and special occasions.

The household had organically evolved into a semblance of one enormous family, and the realization brought a wide smile to my face whenever the thought crossed my mind.

Miss Peregrine occasionally allowed the children to venture outside the confines of the mansion, particularly to the marketplace once a month. Today was one such day, and I found myself already dressed in a casual sundress, eagerly awaiting Chan to join me. However, my calls to him went unanswered as he remained engrossed in a macabre task, meticulously carving through an imaginary body on a hospital bed. Despite my attempts to draw his attention, he remained focused, seemingly immune to my whining.

Frustrated but determined, I decided to switch to Plan B to ensure we wouldn't be late for our outing.

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