Drama Aside

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Fortunately, Minho heeds my words, though a sidelong glance reveals a hesitant acceptance. Slowly, he settles back into his seat, joined by Jisung, who retains a discernible frown. I subtly try to pacify him, sending silent signals to let go of the escalating tension within.

Yet, the air remains heavy with awkwardness, the persistent tension casting an uncomfortable pall over the gathering.

Seungmin, seemingly unaffected by the atmosphere, tactfully suggests, "Why don't you introduce yourself next, and Chan can go after you? He also hasn't introduced himself to you guys." Seungmin's gaze remains fixed on his plate, belying a maturity that belies his position as the second youngest in the room.

Despite not being the oldest, his composed demeanor could easily be mistaken for such.

Chan and I share a brief, almost imperceptible glance, though I quickly avert my eyes, still unwilling to meet his gaze. Doing so could potentially unleash a storm within Minho's already volatile mind.

"Hm? Let's see, my name is Y/n Hart. My p-powers are... mind-controlling. I can force you to do anything. Uh?..." I hesitate, reluctant to continue, but the oppressive silence compels me to press on. My mind races for something, anything to say. "Killed a few... Accidentally! Yes, haha-"

My attempt at humor only serves to deepen the awkwardness, and I sense wary glances, and mental alarms urging them to maintain a safe distance. A sigh escapes me, but Minho and Jisung catch it. Minho subtly stretches his leg to touch mine, and Jisung discreetly clasps my hand under the table — a silent reassurance that I'm not alone. Gratitude swells within me for having them by my side.

"... Anyway, got into that place because my mother accused me." I avoid eye contact, opting to down an entire glass of water before discreetly signaling to Chan with a forced smile, prompting him to take the floor.

Chan sighs, deftly diverting everyone's attention away from me. "You all already know my name. I can reanimate the dead and bring inanimate objects to life, hence why Jeongin is alive over there. I'm also a half-vampire."

Jeongin cheerfully raises his hand in acknowledgment, and I can't help but release a few giggles at his adorable gesture. The room begins to fill with small smiles, a collective exhale as the tension gradually dissipates.

Miss Peregrine, seizing the moment, interjects, "Now that all the fights are put aside, you are staying here, right? I'm sure Chan wouldn't mind it. Chan?" Her words draw everyone's attention, and I offer a wry smile, anticipating Minho's objections and Jisung's subtle discomfort.

True to form, Minho is the first to retort, "No, we are not. We're thankful for your... kindness and all. Just until Y/n fully heals, and then we are out of here."

A chorus of opinions and disagreements rises, but Minho pays them no mind, focusing on his untouched food. Chan, too, resumes his lunch, ignoring Miss Peregrine's directed question. Changbin remains indifferent, and Seungmin wears a displeased expression but opts for silence.

"Then I'm not leaving with you." The room falls silent, even my spoon inadvertently clattering into the bowl from my startled grip. It was Jisung who made the unexpected declaration, a revelation that left even Minho momentarily speechless.

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