A Panic Minho

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In the ensuing five rounds of fights, Chan demonstrated his prowess by single-handedly defeating every opponent, despite the uncanny demands imposed by the twins. He generously allowed the rest of the team to unwind during breaks, but a stern scowl from him awaited if my eyes started to glow, with a clear warning to cease or face dire consequences.

Arthur's peculiar requests added twists to the matches, ranging from using only one hand, being blindfolded, and engaging in one-on-one fights, to prohibiting the use of abilities. In the fifth round, guards were assigned to disrupt the fight, predominantly targeting our team. Yet, Chan triumphed over each challenge.

Grateful for his remarkable abilities, Chan pinpointed vulnerable points on his opponents' bodies, rendering them paralyzed or lifeless. His vampiric side allowed him to shred them apart and absorb their blood. His growing reputation prompted many to withdraw from the fight, accepting the consequences that would follow. Consequently, we found ourselves on the brink of the final battle, granted a two-hour reprieve.

As Hyunjin, Felix, and Chan rested on the bench, Minho paced anxiously, chewing on his nails. Standing before them, I attempted to calm Minho, who seemed visibly agitated. The three of them exchanged questioning glances, curious about Minho's distress. I gestured toward the opposing side, where our eight all-male opponents stood.

"What about them?"

"What about them!! What about them!! We're wasted!! That's what!!" Minho erupted, taking deep breaths before collapsing to the floor. I followed suit as he rested his head on my lap. Gently running my fingers through his coffee-colored hair, I offered apologetic looks to the rest of the team for his outburst. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see the opposing team grinning at the commotion, a sight that irked me to no end.

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