Done & Gone

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The dank, cold air of the escape tunnel clung to my consciousness as I gradually roused from the aftermath of torture. Minho's persistent voice urged me to awaken, and though my mind stirred, my body lay unresponsive. I could feel the steady rhythm of Minho's footsteps, his hard back supporting me as he carried me through the dimly lit passageway.

"W-What happen-" I barely could make out words, I doubt anyone heard me or noticed that I was slightly conscious now. "I think the torture was too much for her body to handle this time," Jisung's concerned voice broke through the haze.

"You think?!!.. Just... Let's carry her for now until she wakes up fully," Minho responded, his words punctuated by the echo of footsteps that reverberated in the narrow confines of the tunnel.

As I grappled with the remnants of pain and fatigue, Minho's voice cut through the fog. "Ok, listen carefully. I'm going to leave you here with Y/n for a while. I need to break into the security room and unlock a few things. Think of an excuse if something happens."

With Minho's departure, I found myself alone with Jisung, who stood guard with an earnest expression. The feeble light illuminated his features, revealing both concern and determination. "Hey, babe. How are you feeling?" Jisung's gentle inquiry sought to gauge my condition.

"Never better. Can you fill me up?" I responded, attempting to inject a bit of humor into the tense situation. To my delight, a small giggle escaped me, a sign that levity still lingered within me.

Jisung's grin widened, his own worry momentarily eased by my laughter. He proceeded to share the details of their daring plan. Minho, taking on the appearance of a trusted figure, successfully infiltrated the security room. Meanwhile, Jisung had to shed some weight to stealthily secure the controllers. The incongruity of the situation struck me, and I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of our escape.

"What's Minho doing now?" I asked, eager for updates on their progress. "Trying to unlock a few restricted areas to cause more problems, so that when morning comes, they won't notice us missing yet," Jisung explained, his eyes reflecting a mix of determination and mischief.

As he concluded his account, Minho reappeared, his concerned gaze scanning me before he asked if I was up for running. Without hesitation, I nodded, fueled by a burgeoning sense of urgency and the fervent desire to put as much distance as possible between us and the prison nightmare.

Our journey brought us to the front of the main gate, where we paused to cast a lingering glance back at the imposing structure we had just escaped. The collective intake of a deep breath symbolized both relief and readiness as we prepared to sprint away from the clutches of that wretched place, hoping that the cover of night and Minho's strategic disruptions would facilitate our unimpeded escape by the time morning dawned.

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