Roller Skating Extravaganza

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As I removed my helmet, the vibrant sign of 'Roller Skate' immediately caught my eye. A place I had never been to before, and anticipation buzzed within me. Chan took my hand, intertwining our fingers, and guided me inside. The expanse of the place unfolded before me, a kaleidoscope of colors, with a charming cafe tucked to the side of the rink.

The ambiance was delightful, not overly crowded, with around 10 to 15 people gracefully gliding on the rink. Chan left me on a bench, momentarily entranced by the skaters, while he fetched a pair of skates for both of us.

"Chan, have you skated before?" I couldn't contain the question that had lingered in my mind since our arrival. He settled beside me with two pairs of skates, each of different sizes.

"A few times. I'm guessing you haven't?" His assumption was spot-on. I nodded, confirming his suspicion. As he began removing his shoes, I mirrored his actions, mindful of the fact that it was indeed my first time.

"When we were kids, the rest of us used to come and play here. Changbin was the best at skating – he could skate without looking and avoid falling like a clumsy fool."

His statement prompted a chuckle from me. Chan rose first and assisted me in steadying myself before we ventured onto the skating rink. Once my feet touched the surface, I cautiously started, focusing solely on the act of moving without stumbling.

Five minutes elapsed, and to my surprise, I felt like I had unlocked a hidden talent.

Not a single fall, and I was gliding around the rink, relishing the exhilaration. "Chan! Chan, look! I can skate without fal-" I swirled around just in time to witness Chan tumbling onto his backside with a groan.

Laughing heartily, I skated toward him. I extended a hand to help him up, but in his unsteadiness, he fell again, this time pulling me down with him. I couldn't help but chuckle loudly at the comical situation we found ourselves in. "I can't believe it. The Bang Chan, who is known for being cold and ruthless, keeps tripping on a roller skating rink."

"Shut up, I'll get used to it over time." It took him three attempts to stand on both feet without falling again a minute later.

I decided to assist him in skating correctly, but my laughter persisted every minute as I watched him. It was akin to teaching a baby deer to walk, especially since once he fell, it took about three minutes to stand back up properly.

"Chan, that is not skating, buddy." Chan sighed as he fell again but this time opted not to get back up. "I give up! Me and skating just don't get along well."

"Why don't we take a break for now and grab some snacks?" I helped him out of the rink, and once we were on solid ground, Chan promptly removed his skates and strolled away freely, reveling in the freedom like a carefree child.

Adorable, isn't he? While he ordered snacks, I searched for a place to sit, holding both of our skates. Gosh, they were heavier than I expected. Opting to sit at a table right next to the rink to observe the skaters, I found myself lost in the rhythmic motion.

It wasn't long before Chan returned with drinks and snacks. The silence between us wasn't awkward as I observed others on the rink, and Chan marveled at my delighted expression.

"I hope this isn't the worst date for you." Glancing at him, initially puzzled by his statement, I later responded with the best and most sincere smile I could muster, scrunching my nose a little. "It's the best one, Chan. Plus, I can't compare it to anyone else, as you are my first date and my first in everything." Chan averted his gaze, but I caught a glimpse of a blush on his face.

"I heard from Jeongin that you are a great skateboarder. Why don't we do that on our upcoming date?"

"That's supposed to be my line, love. I should be the one requesting another date." Chan groaned upon hearing my words, his whole face reddening as he tried to conceal it behind his large hands.

Removing his hands from his face, I planted a quick peck on his lips, subjecting him to more embarrassment as I laughed at him. "You're enjoying my current state, aren't you? Seeing me all red and bashful." Oh, the man had just admitted that he was blushing.

"Yes, yes, I am."

───────── Bonus ─────────

The roller skating adventure was cut short due to an influx of people, and Chan and I preferred fewer people for a more intimate experience. So, he drove us to the nearest mall, which fortunately wasn't as crowded as the skating rink, much to our relief.

Chan took me to each store, helping me find new clothes to add to my wardrobe and perhaps something for the others back at home. He was adamant about not buying anything for Minho, but I discreetly slipped in a cat plushie for him.

Time flew by, with hours passing. The mall was set to close in an hour, but we didn't want to leave too early. This time, I suggested going to a store of Chan's choosing, as he had been following my lead and agreeing to everything the whole day.

"Is there a place you want to go, Chan?" Glancing at him, I noticed the numerous bags he was carrying effortlessly, not letting me lift a finger. "Let's go to a store of your choosing!" I spoke excitedly, eager to do something he wanted. However, the mischievous glint in his eyes made me slightly regret my decision.

"Alright, follow me."

Yup, definitely regretted it. We stood in front of a lingering store, a very obvious and popular one. "Y-You sure-" / "Definitely!" Without any hesitation, Chan ushered me inside the store. Immediately, the workers began showing me designs and measuring my body, while Chan reveled in the comfort of a sofa. I was ushered into the

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