Craziness Is Out

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In a swift and decisive motion, he effortlessly lifted the person by her throat, simultaneously raising her arm before sinking his teeth into it. Despite the girl's futile attempts to free herself by scorching her teammates, the boy was so deeply entranced by my spell that he failed to notice his arm melting to the bone.

Releasing his grip after finishing his gruesome act, the girl writhed on the ground, struggling to breathe as the poison rapidly spread throughout her body. Every onlooker bore witness to the harrowing spectacle, as the toxic substance took its toll.

Disregarding the girl teetering on the brink of death, the boy cast a meaningful look my way. I gestured toward Hyunjin and Minho's adversaries. Seeing their teammate, now with melting skin, approach them, they immediately abandoned their current opponents, their faces contorted with horror upon witnessing the earlier scene.

Amidst the chaos, Hyunjin knelt on the ground, gasping for breath, while Felix rushed to assist a battered and bloodied Minho. I remained fixated on the unfolding destruction, my inner madness beginning to surface.

A sinister chuckle escaped me, and an unsettling grin adorned my face as I savored the chaos I had orchestrated. "S-Shouldn't we s-stop h-her?" Hyunjin's voice quivered as he cautiously approached the scene, concern etched across his face.

"There's no point. We can't save them nor her anymore. They have to finish till the end," Minho's gaze remained fixed on me, registering a hint of trepidation as I seemed to lose control. The other two, watching with a mix of fear and worry, were captivated by the unfolding spectacle.

"STOP!! SOMEONE STOP HER!!! M-MY F-FRIENDS," echoed a desperate cry, lost amid the pandemonium.

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