For You, My Love

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"Gifts Time!! Me! Me first!" Jeongin's exuberant squeal echoed at the top of his lungs, met with a few groans and amused grins from the group. The anticipation was palpable as everyone eagerly awaited the unveiling of the presents.

Jeongin's gift to Miss Peregrine was a heartfelt masterpiece of his own artwork, radiating adorable charm. Changbin received a book on anger management, earning him a glare. Felix got a mug adorned with the words 'You are the best.'

Hyunjin and Seungmin received matching couple T-shirts, and Minho and Chan got essential notebooks since Jeongin found it hard to decide. Jisung was given a bag filled with candy, surprising many since the boy was known for his sweet tooth. As for me, I received a cuddly teddy bear, eliciting playful banter and laughter at Hyunjin's pretended jealousy.

Seungmin took his turn, offering each person a simple yet heartfelt appreciation and thank-you card. Tears flowed from Felix, Jisung, Hyunjin, and Jeongin as they read their cards. I, too, was moved, shedding a few tears before embracing Seungmin in gratitude.

Next up was Jisung, who gifted Miss Peregrine her favorite tea. Changbin and Felix received a couple's ornament. Hyunjin got a new pair of shoes, and Seungmin and Jeongin added to their board game collections. For me and Chan, there was a shared book, acknowledging our recent shared interest in reading. Lastly, Minho received a heartfelt confession and a kiss, leading to good-natured teasing and laughter at his blushing face.

Changbin, who hadn't prepared any gifts, received a playful slap from Felix. Instead, he offered a brief but sincere speech expressing his reasons for not harboring any ill feelings toward the group.

Unable to buy presents earlier, me, Chan, Hyunjin, Minho, and Felix made a pitstop at a small shop, using our shared money to purchase scented candles. Though not extravagant, it was a thoughtful gesture.

After the unboxing, everyone dispersed to enjoy the remainder of the day before dinner. Jeongin ventured off with Miss Peregrine to find a suitable spot for his artwork. The couples, Minsung and Changlix, chose different venues to spend time together, either in rooms or the gardens.

Seungmin, captivated by Hyunjin's recounting of his time in prison, listened attentively while sipping hot cocoa at the dining table.

As everyone found their own paths, Chan and I remained in the living room. I sat on his lap, his hand gently playing with the lace of my sweat, the other hand engrossed in the new book. "Are we going to return to the place next week?" I asked, and Chan's eyes left the book to meet mine.

"I spoke to James before leaving. He mentioned that Arthur was somewhat traumatized by what happened to you and suggested we only return when you are fully healed. It's mostly up to you."

"Did you find any clues about their scheme or father's whereabouts?" Chan let out a chilling chuckle, and his eyes turned pitch black, a sinister smile on his lips.

"James only allowed me two hours with his journal, but he didn't consider that I might have copied the necessary details to another book. About your father, from all the clues given, he should be in another house similar to ours, likely from Miss Wren's residence. We can visit him next when you're fit and just tell the twins you're bedridden until you're in excellent health."

I shook my head, turning my gaze forward with a modest smile. "You've thought this through, huh?" I could feel Chan's hands going under my shirt, touching all the bite and kiss marks he had left. His lips grazed my ear as he let out a heartfelt chuckle, "Anything for you, love."

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