Worthless Piece

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Minho and Y/n couldn't help but shiver as the memories resurfaced, recalling the haunting image of a child rebelling against Arthur in the courtyard—a grim spectacle that unfolded before everyone's eyes, etching a traumatic scene in their minds.

Gradually, the group's attention shifted to a frail, petite child confined in a small room, desperately seeking help with a voice fractured by fear. The girl, blindfolded and unable to see her surroundings, tugged at the heartstrings of those witnessing her plight. James guided everyone closer to a full window, providing an unsettling view of the room where the child pleaded for assistance.

Felix's voice trembled as he questioned, mirroring the broken tone of the girl, "W-What are you going to d-do to the kid?"

"I'm afraid that I... have no choice but to sacrifice her," replied James, his words hanging heavy in the air. The attention of everyone present shifted upward, their collective gaze filled with sorrow and concern for the young girl.


"Indeed she is... Felix, right? You appear to not understand yet how we operate around here." Despite his cruel words, James wore a kind smile, attempting to alleviate the distress of Felix and Hyunjin. His mouth, however, spoke of the horrors that awaited them. "I'm sure while you guys were at the cafeteria, you saw how everyone was in a group. Those who aren't in one can't remain. For example... her."

Chan, Felix, and Hyunjin clenched their fists tightly, struggling to contain their anger. This time, it was Hyunjin who confronted James, "What do you imply?..."

James glanced at Minho, silently instructing him to explain, given that he had been here longer than anyone else. Minho's eyes betrayed reluctance, but James's firm gaze left him with no choice.

"... Y-You can say that this place is like a survival game. If you are alone with no peers, it means you are open to being a punching bag. There is no boundary to it; some die, and some just don't. Once every 6 months, a match is held here—a fight within groups." Minho's gaze shifted to Y/n, the flood of memories returning. The past, buried by their newfound family, was now resurfacing, horrifically.

He continued, his eyes locking onto Chan, Felix, and Hyunjin with newfound resolve. In this place, there was no room for showing fear or nervousness. It was a game, a struggle for survival. You either played or faced the consequences.

"Basically, to win dominance and avoid being mistreated, you have to win. That's why it's essential to be in a club around here, or you're just trash for people to kick and use as they like. Let's say, if you do survive and Arthur discovers you... you end up here, like her... sentenced to... death. He believes they are worthless and a misuse of air."

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