You Want To Come In?

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"This is undoubtedly the door... Are we genuinely going to enter there?" Minho cast a questioning gaze at everyone, anticipation written across his face, hoping someone would provide the answer he sought.

"...Uh, I know I kind of suggested this, however now--" A high-pitched scream interrupted the hesitant words. Hyunjin and Felix instinctively covered their ears, retreating to a safe distance from the ominous door.

In contrast, Chan, Y/n, and Minho remained unfazed, having grown accustomed to the sounds of agony and pleas for help. However, their expressions revealed that familiarity didn't make the experience any less grim.

"Seems like you people are in time for the show." Turning around, there stood James in his usual white coat, clutching a stack of papers. "Are you perhaps interested? I could show you in." Minho opened his mouth to object, but Chan was quicker, even holding the door open for James to enter first.

Minho nervously licked his dry lips, flicking a gaze towards the door, aware that it was a necessary evil to expose the truth. Everyone followed suit, and the scene within was a nightmarish tableau straight out of one's darkest fears.

Four children were pinned to the wall, each enduring lashes that left blood oozing from their wounds. Two others were submerged, rescued from the brink of drowning each time by the guards, forced to repeat the degrading phrase, 'I'm a mistake, and I shall never doubt it.'

Felix winced at every cry, tears streaming down his face as he clutched onto Chan's arm for support. Hyunjin deliberately averted his gaze, fixating on his feet, determined to block out the horrific sights and sounds, refusing to let his eyes wander.

James only grinned, silently observing the reactions of the two newcomers, then callously suggested that they should get used to it. "I propose you two get used to this. This is the lightest therapy the children will get. Now, if Arthur is nearby, it will be much more harmful than this, even resulting in death... And that doesn't just happen in this room."

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