Leaving The Mansion

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As the days passed, I found solace in witnessing Seungmin's remarkable recovery. Now, he navigated through his daily tasks with newfound independence, adamantly rejecting any assistance as he engaged in lively bickering with those around him. It was a reassuring sign that his health had significantly improved.

The dinner revelation, where I proposed my plan, underwent a thorough evaluation by everyone. The decision was made, albeit not without dissent from Chan and Minho. My intended course of action was set in motion, albeit with a slight modification. Currently, we are in the process of selecting three additional individuals to accompany me back to the prison.

Chan, with unwavering determination, had already volunteered, rejecting any attempts to dissuade him, even in the face of his evident disdain for the twin. Meanwhile, Minho and Jisung deliberated over who among them should join the expedition, ultimately leading to Minho's decision to participate. Felix, after a heated argument with his significant other Changbin, resolved to join us, and lastly, Hyunjin volunteered, enticed by the prospect of venturing outside the mansion.

Miss Peregrine granted us a week of respite before our departure. Throughout that week, Changbin and Jisung sought to maximize their time with their loved ones, grappling with the underlying fear of potential danger. On the final night together, the poignant sounds of their weeping echoed through the mansion, a testament to the emotional toll their impending departure exacted on them.

Hyunjin, less visibly distressed but harboring his own concerns, spent his time playing with the youngsters and assisting Miss Peregrine. Despite not displaying overt upset over leaving, an undercurrent of apprehension lingered beneath his surface.

Presently, all the children stood at the main entrance of the mansion, anxiously awaiting Miss Peregrine's descent.

Jeongin, however, took a moment to grasp the gravity of the situation before impulsively dashing forward. With tears in his eyes, he embraced both me and Hyunjin, a poignant display of emotion that encapsulated the mixture of anticipation and trepidation that surrounded our impending journey.

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