Savior In Black

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The morning sun had bathed the world in a soft glow, yet our footsteps persisted, racing against the dawn. Towering trees loomed overhead, their shadows dancing with the rhythm of our hurried steps. Jagged rocks and quaint villages blurred into an indistinct backdrop as we pressed on, fueled by fear and a desperate need to put as much distance as possible between us and the ominous prison.

Exhaustion clung to our bodies like an unwelcome companion, yet the adrenaline of escape pushed us forward. A bustling village market emerged on the horizon, its lively ambiance clashing with our disheveled appearance. We attempted to blend into the vibrant tapestry of haggling voices and colorful wares, but our conspicuous clothing and worn-out state made us stand out like misplaced shadows.

Finally, our relentless journey came to a temporary halt when my fatigued feet betrayed me, sending me tumbling forward onto Jisung, who, in turn, stumbled into a middle-aged woman. The cascade of events unfolded in a heartbeat, with fruits scattering in all directions and the echo of our impact resounding through the market.

"Y/N! Jisung! Shit!" Minho's voice held both concern and urgency as he swiftly gathered me into his arms, my face finding solace in the curve of his neck. "I'm fine, I'm fine! Is Y/n alright?" Meanwhile, Jisung, ever the quick thinker, attempted to smooth things over with the lady in black. "I'm so sorry, ma'am. We were in a rush and, um, we are... late for... breakfast?"

A silent exchange of glances and hushed whispers ensued between Jisung and Minho, oblivious to the curious eyes that now scrutinized our little group. The lady, however, accepted the explanation with a gracious smile. "Not to worry at all, child. I'll just simply wash the dirt away, right Felix?"

A deep voice, belonging to Felix, responded, "That's right... You seem to be facing something more troubling. You need help there, mate?"


The silent and animated debate continued between Jisung and Minho, their whispered arguments punctuated by suppressed frustration. "We are not seeking help from a total stranger. Haven't your mothers said anything about not talking to one either?" Minho retorted, his protectiveness evident.

"Oh shut up. We have been running since last night. Y/n is clearly hurt and is even having trouble breathing, you dimwit. Put away your protective side for a moment and let these kind people help her rest," Jisung countered, a rare lack of nicknames emphasizing the seriousness of the situation.

"To make it better, this here is Miss Alma LeFay Peregrine, and I'm Lee Felix. Judging by your orange clothes, you came from the... prison for unique children."

This revelation ignited curiosity and caution in both Jisung and Minho. The mere mention of the prison for unique children hinted at either involvement or shared experiences. The prison's secrecy wasn't merely about concealing the children's plight but also preventing widespread panic about individuals with unique powers living among the general populace.

"Relax, darling. You have no need to fear. Go on, Felix."

As I turned my head away from Minho's comforting neck, I observed Felix's manifestation of his unique power – the transformation of only his right hand into steel. It was a silent acknowledgment and a visual confirmation of his own extraordinary gift. "Can't show all in public. Now, why don't we help you? Trust us, your friend looks like she is near fainting."

The realization that I could trust these two strangers washed over me, and in my exhaustion, I allowed my body to succumb to the welcome embrace of unconsciousness. Following the lady's advice, I fainted, briefly escaping the tumultuous reality that had marked our escape from the prison.

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