Forgive The Old Man

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"I-I panicked. I found that my cover was blown, and they knew about your existence. I understand how dominant you can be, Y/n, so I was fearful that if you fell into their hands, something worse than a nightmare would befall you.

Regrettably, I didn't think things through clearly. I left as quickly as possible while erasing every trace of my existence from those who had any contact with me. I even considered erasing yours, knowing that if I didn't, you would undergo the agony of searching for me. But forgive me for being selfish, my child. I didn't want you to misremember me."

Should I reveal the truth? I had already been discovered not long after he left a few years ago. However, I wanted him to find peace, no matter how much I hated him for his reckless actions.

Squeezing Chan's hand, he immediately understood what I was contemplating and nodded in agreement. "...I'll learn to forgive you one day. I can't harbor hatred forever, especially now that I know your reason was to protect me."

"Thank you so much. My child, oh, how I waited and counted the days until I would meet you. This old man can peacefully go now."

"But before that, w-would you like to meet my friends? They have been helping me search for you, and I would like you to meet them; they're like my second family." When my father agreed with a huge smile, excitement surged through my body. Was this what it felt like when children brought their friends home to introduce them to their parents?

Quickly bursting out the door, I went to fetch the rest of the family to meet my one and only father.

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