Let's Go Back A Little

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Narrator POV (The Past)

The creaking sound of the door hinges filled the air as Chan courteously opened the entrance for Miss Peregrine. Once she entered, he carefully closed it behind her, stepping out of Miss Wren's house alongside her.

The expression on Miss Peregrine's face hinted at a slight displeasure, likely stemming from Chan's insistence on conducting their conversation outside. Deep down, she acknowledged that Chan wouldn't resort to such measures unless it was deemed necessary. "What's going on, Chan? You seem to be deep in thought since your return from Mr. Hart's room."

Chan avoided direct eye contact with the woman, his gaze fixed on Y/n's smiling face visible through the window. The sight of her happiness, intertwined with the joy of others, made his heart flutter, and he began to unravel the situation. "... Her father shared something that may not have seemed crucial, but I anticipated it from a distance."

A sigh escaped Chan's lips, realizing that what he was about to disclose might evoke anger, especially from Y/n, given its significant implications. "But the information he provided has been instrumental in shaping my recent thoughts. I'm here to share with you my reflections on the twin's condition."

Miss Peregrine remained silent, absorbing the information before encouraging Chan to continue with his exposition.

Chan embarked on a narrative, starting with how Mr. Hart played a pivotal role in keeping the twins alive. He then delved into the insights he gathered from James's Journal, acquired before returning home. The contents revealed James's relentless quest for a cure for the sickness plaguing him and Arthur. "Judging by their condition, he and Arthur don't seem to be holding on much longer, especially the latter."

"I see. After all these years, they're still suffering, huh? And what do you intend to do, Bang Chan?"

"I propose..." Chan corrected himself with a quick shake of his head, "No, I am certain that we should return home promptly tomorrow. If my suspicions are accurate, James is likely at the mansion right now, scouring for anything that could aid his brother. By nightfall, he should be en route to ease Arthur's pain. Tomorrow, he will be returning to the house, this time with Arthur in tow."

Miss Peregrine frowned, contemplating the potential clash with the twins if everyone returned home tomorrow, foreseeing it as a source of inevitable drama. Detecting the unspoken question in Miss Peregrine's expression, Chan continued elucidating his plan.

"That's why I want to be at the mansion early, before their arrival. Considering Mr. Hart's condition today, he won't last the night. I won't propose leaving without giving him a proper burial; doing so would only intensify Y/n's grief. I anticipate that tomorrow, James will be heading back to the house with Arthur by his side."

Chan cast another glance at the window, observing Y/n's attempts to settle the exuberant Jeongin into bed, with Seungmin clinging to her, expressing a desire to sleep in the same room.

"Afterward, we should swiftly move, packing everything essential, and relocate to a distant town for a while. The rest of the plan will unfold from there. I just ask for one favor: keep this a secret from the others. It would pose a significant inconvenience if everyone were to find out."

Chan watched as Miss Peregrine, standing before him, slowly nodded in understanding, silently concurring with his decision. They both redirected their gaze to the window, witnessing the children's joyous activities and carefree shouts, providing a momentary respite.

Changbin suggested a wrestling match, and Hyunjin and Jisung enthusiastically joined in, huddling and jumping on top of him with their combined weight. Felix laughed, a mix of amusement and concern, while Minho cheered in support of Jisung.

Jeongin and Seungmin, cuddled around Y/n, shared laughter, finding amusement in Changbin's struggle with his short temper.

"I will honor your request, but I do hope you'll inform me when we are safe and share the details of your plans for everyone's future," Miss Peregrine stated. Chan silently agreed, his eyes never wavering from the girl who had captured his affection since their initial encounter.

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