He's Still My Father

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"That you truly are," I whispered, the words meant for Chan's ears alone. A shared smile passed between us, but I sensed that Chan, despite the lighthearted exchange, remained unaffected by Addison's unexpected backstory. "Um, how long has my father been here?"

"Hmm, considerably long, I must say. He was here before the wights attacked us, and he played a crucial role in rebuilding our home. We are partly the reason he's now on his deathbed... Now, I have a question for you. You're the first I've witnessed who hasn't shed tears upon hearing the news of a beloved in the throes of death. Why?"

The question didn't catch me off guard. My previous response had left many heads tilted in bewilderment when Miss Wren delivered the grim news. As we continued walking, I sensed Addison's occasional glances in my direction, though Chan remained entirely unfazed, as if understanding the reasons behind my demeanor.

"Saying that I didn't care or it didn't hurt at the news would be a lie. He's my father, and without him, I wouldn't be alive. But it's just that... he's never been around in my childhood up until now. So, it's more like losing a lost friend than a family member."

It took a while for Addison to absorb my words; I could discern the furrow on his forehead, followed by a nod of understanding. "Either way, he would be sad hearing that."

"I know. He would. So, let's keep it between us." We arrived at an old, damaged-looking door, and Addison skillfully opened it with his paw.

The room revealed itself to be empty and dull, with only a bed occupying the center. A worn-out blanket covered the figure lying on the bed, preventing us from seeing the person's face. The atmosphere in the room hung heavy with the weight of impending farewells and untold stories.

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