Follow My Command

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Lifting my gaze slightly, I witnessed Minho's valiant attempt to reach us, only to be forcefully hurled against the cage with astonishing strength. The impact subjected him to the electric currents surging within, yet he managed to extricate himself just in time, narrowly avoiding being incinerated alive.

"Mi-Minho!!!" My voice trembled, a powerless witness to his relentless struggle to stand and fight, repeatedly being knocked down. His resilience seemed futile against the relentless assaults, rendering him utterly vulnerable.

"Get The Fuck Off!" Another desperate cry reverberated from the opposite side, signaling Hyunjin's predicament. He found himself ensnared from behind, an arm wrapped tightly around his neck, depriving him of breath. Despite his predicament, Hyunjin channeled his power, unleashing lightning upon his assailant, yet the assailant remained unfazed.

The sadistic cheers of the crowd intensified, reveling in the spectacle of our suffering and imminent demise. Frustration surged within me as I observed everyone nearing their breaking points. If I didn't intervene soon...

Summoning every ounce of strength, I launched a powerful kick at the girl restraining me. The force of impact propelled her backward, causing her to collide forcefully with the cage. Unlike Minho, she crumpled immediately from the injury, unable to bear the pain.

On the other side, the boy who had earlier shared playful banter with the fire-wielding girl continued to torment Felix. He taunted Felix by hurling more flames, forcing Felix to roll around to avoid the searing heat while keeping his heated hand pressed against the unscathed arm.

With eye contact established, I seized the opportunity to playfully manipulate his emotions. Slithering my fingers from his arms, to his chest, and up to his neck, I could sense his entrancement by my actions. Drawing his chin closer, his eyes locked onto my red, lustrous gaze.

In a tender whisper, I said, "Do me a favor, babe. Help me win this match." As I stroked his jawline, I sensed Chan's disapproving scowl behind me. I released him from my enchanting influence, and he walked toward the person tightly gripping Felix's unharmed arm, ready to unleash fiery retribution, oblivious to the enchantment that had momentarily captivated him.

Breaking free from my siren-like influence, I hastened to Felix's side.

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