Like One Of Those

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"You don't recall?... Before you collapse, you used your capabilities on that boy standing behind you without making any eye contact, like you regularly need to."

"I di-did?" I sifted through my memories, meticulously revisiting every detail of that fateful day.

Chan was right; I didn't establish eye contact with the boy when my command was issued. It was truly astonishing; my powers typically required direct skin contact and the urging gaze of my vibrant eyes.

"You should be proud of yourself. So, instead of dwelling on distressing memories that hinder your sleep, focus on the fact that on that momentous day, you gained control over your powers, evolving into a better version of yourself."

A smile involuntarily graced my lips upon hearing his encouraging words. He was right; why cling to painful memories when there are moments of triumph to cherish? "You're right, Chan. I'm sorry you had to endure my screams these past few nights. I fear I've been disrupting your sleep, haven't I?" My giggle faltered as I uttered the last sentences, guilt evident in my tone and expression.

Placing the glass beside me, my hands intertwined on my lap, I braced myself for any reproach from Chan. "H-How can I make it up to you?" His rough hands gently unclasped my fingers before drawing closer, effectively trapping me. Not that I had any intention of escaping the counter.

"Well, first of all, I want you to cast aside that look as if I'll scold you. I won't, darling. Secondly," Chan carefully deliberated, having planned to broach this subject one day, not anticipating it to be tonight, "... I want you to accept my proposal to go out with me tomorrow."

"O-Out?" My mind immediately went to the worst-case scenario—was he kicking me out? However, his hopeful expression and the way he held me dispelled those thoughts. He was suggesting something people usually do. "As in, like, one of those d-dates?"

His laughter elicited a blush and deepening of my redness, especially when he made eye contact afterward. Those profound eyes conveyed so much care and love, making me feel shy and nervous. "Yes, one of those, but let's keep it a secret. I don't want the others tagging along. Just you and me, alright?"

"Y-You and me." Damn it, just the thought of being alone with him made me feel all shy. It's not like I've never been alone with him before, Y/n. Get your act together! "Let's get you to bed first." Before I could respond, Chan effortlessly lifted me with one arm under my butt and the other securely holding my cup of milk.

After settling me into bed and placing the glass beside me for any midnight cravings, Chan bestowed a swift peck on my forehead before making his exit. Let's just say I had the most restful sleep since then.

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