Two Fancy Letters

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As Felix skillfully unlocked the door to the room, a wooden stool whizzed past us, landing perilously close to the entrance. We both flinched at the sudden projectile. "Soothe down your wrath, Chan. It isn't going to ease the situation," I murmured, offering a cautious comment as we ventured into the room.

Upon entering, I discerned that not all the house members were present in the office. The occupants included Minho, Chan, Hyunjin, and Miss Peregrine herself. Hyunjin greeted Felix and me with a small smile when we positioned ourselves within everyone's line of sight. The group stood collectively in front of Miss Peregrine's desk, where two ominous letters were conspicuously placed.

Chan's eyes emitted a radiant golden hue, a clear sign that his vampire side had taken control. The fangs involuntarily revealed themselves as he growled at an unseen threat, adding an extra layer of tension to the room.

"Y/n dear, I'm so sorry for interrupting your time, but it seems that I have received two letters. I believe you should read them," Miss Peregrine informed me. Hoping for a clue, I stole a glance at Minho, but his expression remained stoic, an impenetrable mask.

Opting for the closest letter, I silently read its contents, sensing that I was the last to be informed. It turned out to be a cautionary message from another home, housing children with unique abilities like ours. The guardian of that house warned that James and Arthur, infamous figures responsible for instilling horror in every child's heart, were actively searching every house for someone.

The Guardian speculated that they were on the hunt for the new trio that had defied their imprisonment. With trembling fingers, I delicately placed the note back down, exchanging a panicked look with Minho, who seemed frozen in place, fixated on the other letter.

Desperately seeking comfort from Minho, I found him unresponsive, his gaze locked onto the remaining letter. Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Felix, who offered a quiet reassurance, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. Hyunjin, providing a side hug, mirrored Felix's sentiment with an encouraging smile. Both expressions conveyed their fear, yet they remained steadfast for my sake.

It struck me that, unwittingly, our actions had thrust our companions into the nightmare they had long dreaded. James and Arthur were hunting for me, Minho, and Jisung, but the rest of our housemates had become collateral in the pursuit of our escape.

"Dearest, there's another one you haven't read. It's a personal message from Mr. James and Arthur." Miss Peregrine's words hung heavily in the air, and suddenly, everything came tumbling down before me.

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