Off We Go!

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"Chan is absolutely right. Their absence won't be extended," Miss Peregrine spoke with authority, her footsteps gracefully echoing as she descended the stairs. She approached me, turning to face the rest of the group. A motherly smile formed on her face as she surveyed the sorrow in their eyes.

"You seem to have forgotten about my expertise, children," she continued her words carrying a weight of wisdom. "As a ymbryne, I possess the power to manipulate time in various ways. Given the time you've spent in my loop, an extended absence outside would lead to your demise. You're not as young as you appear, my child, except for Minho, Jisung, and Y/n, of course."

Miss Peregrine stood among the group, adjusting her gloves meticulously. "With a few adjustments here and there, the twins have agreed to let me visit from time to time to check on them. They've assured me they'll be back for the holidays. Nothing to worry about."

Nods of reassurance rippled through the group, but for me, Minho, and Jisung, it took a moment to absorb the intricacies of Miss Peregrine's powers. The concept of loops and time manipulation, while amazing, remained somewhat confusing for us newcomers.

"Alright, time to get moving. Chan, Hyunjin, could you bring the bags, please?" Miss Peregrine directed, and the two males gathered everyone's bags, heading towards the car. As they left, we exchanged farewells with the rest.

Seungmin spoke up, breaking the silence. "I'm sorry if it seems like we're upset with you, Y/n. We're not. It's just the first time we've had to be separated for an extended period. Please understand." His words were a balm to my emotions, replacing unintentional guilt with warmth. Choked up with tears, I couldn't find words, so I responded with a tight hug and a nod. The others followed, assuring me it wasn't my fault.

Hyunjin was the last to enter the car, sharing a final embrace with Jeongin and Seungmin. As Miss Peregrine drove us away, we watched the four children's figures slowly shrink into the distance.

"...This feels strange," Felix chuckled softly, settling back into his seat. As the car moved forward, hope lingered that everything would unfold as planned.

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