Affection Has Grown

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Standing, I gradually traced the contours of his back with my hands, allowing my fingertips to gently navigate from his shoulders to his chest. The subtle effect on Chan was evident; I observed a brief pause in his breath, a subtle reaction that betrayed the impact of my touch before he resumed breathing normally.

The dynamics of my relationship with Chan had evolved beyond mere friendship, a fact acknowledged by both of us. However, we found ourselves navigating a complex space between friendship and romance. Our interactions varied from playful flirting to occasional arguments, the aftermath of which would lead to a prolonged silent treatment lasting almost a week.

Resting my chin on his broad shoulder, I kept my gaze fixed on the body before him. My fingers deftly played with the buttons of his shirt, methodically undoing them one by one until he stood bare-chested. The relief of standing behind him spared me from witnessing his immediate reaction, and although I felt a tinge of disappointment, I swiftly cast aside that thought, summoning a renewed sense of confidence.

Tracing the contours of his well-defined abs and chest, my nails left a subtle trail mark. Chan's breathing became more pronounced as I playfully slowed down my movements, teasing him in a way that ignited a subtle flutter of emotions in my stomach.

My fingers paused just above his pants, hovering over his toned abs. Engaging in a playful circle, I let the anticipation build before placing my fingers on his belt. It was at this moment that Chan decided to interrupt my performance.

With a firm grip on my wrist, he cautioned, "What are you doing, love? Don't start something you can't complete." His voice, deep and laced with caution, elicited a giggle from me as he released my hand, allowing me to step away.

"Well, I thought I could be a good person and help you undress so that we can go since you are so busy with that body," I quipped, playfully embracing the lighthearted banter between us.

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