Bless You

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Chan gently settles me into a seated position on the hospital bed in his room. Once I'm situated, he hastily moves about, searching for his medical kit, while I stare back at his blurry form, my left eye bleeding profusely.

He places a chair in front of me and, with a combination of speed and care, removes the patch covering my wounded eye. He proceeds to clean up the blood and administer a few eye drops. The atmosphere in the room remains tranquil, neither of us uttering a word, finding solace in each other's company.

"Does it still sting?"

Finally making eye contact, I offer him my sweetest smile, aware that his vision has been compromised ever since my collapse after the competition. "Believe me, sting is not even close to what it feels like. Mostly just irritation because my eyesight is worse now."

"Well, James said that the bleeding should be gone in 5 days, but..." Chan shakes his head, changing the topic, "Anyway, what about your body? Need some patching?"

I release a small, faint sigh before nodding in agreement.

In the process of removing my shirt, I expose the sizable cut on my stomach. The boy has seen me half-naked so often that I've grown immune to feeling shy around him, well, most of the time, like right now.

As he tends to the stitches, my mind drifts to the aftermath of the historic fight.

I lost consciousness, and many believed I was dead. James and Chan, however, refused to entertain that thought and stayed by my side, nursing me back to health. Chan's abilities played a crucial role, and by the second day, I was breathing normally.

It took me a while to wake up, and when I did, the pain was so intense that I screamed and cried.

I recall the expressions on everyone's faces during the commotion. Felix sobbed in the corner, Hyunjin restrained Minho from getting too close to me, and Chan maintained a composed exterior, yet his eyes betrayed a sense of devastation and terror at the sight of me in such a state.

The pain gradually subsided, but just as one hurdle was overcome, another emerged.

My left eye began to bleed. I hadn't noticed; it happened while I was conversing with Felix about returning home soon. I started seeing red, but I chose to overlook it. Felix, however, began yelling for the others, urgently summoning James. He was visibly scared and traumatized.

Thanks to that peculiar boy with abilities, my body had lost half of my unique powers, causing my left eye to bleed and lose its vibrant glow. I became half-blind in one eye.

James wasn't certain if my powers would fully return but advised me to refrain from using them for a while. If I followed this precaution, my sight should return to normal.

"All done. Would you like to wear the eye patch again?"

Glancing back at the blonde male, I can't help but giggle and smile at him, earning a quizzical gaze in return. "I never got to thank you. If you hadn't resolved it quickly, I might not have been able to return home. I don't really care if my power disappears, but I'm just worried that... if... if that does happen, will I have to l-leave the mansion?"

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