Training Partner

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Jeongin walked in when Chan voiced out a 'come in'.

I could see that he was hesitating to tell us something as he kept looking at the ground, fingers fidgeting, and biting his lips. Frozen midway to his journey closer to us, I stood up and walked to stand in front of him, holding his hand in mine to calm him down a little. This boy had somehow charmed me into treating him like my younger brother.

My gesture seemed to work, but his eyes looked like he had done the greatest sin yet. Chan didn't question anything as he kept packing his stuff, just waiting for the words to come out of the young boy's mouth, "Umm, you see. I-I kinda damaged something?"

I raised an eyebrow, not seeing why breaking something would cause a shivering fit in the poor boy. Chan, on the other hand, kept his focus on his desk, writing a report. His attention was only half on the boy while he replied, comprehending that Jeongin wouldn't if he didn't ask, "What did you break, kid?"

Jeongin looked up at me for some reassurance, so I smiled at him and whispered that everything was going to be alright and that I'd protect him. He squeezed my hands tight; it hurt, but I ignored it. Damn, his hidden strength.

"...y-your... lapto-"

I let out a small squeal when I saw a pen being thrown so close to me, almost scratching my cheek in the process as it hit the wall behind me and Jeongin. The boy immediately back-hugged me when I turned around to see a furious Chan; this made me flinch twice more.

Damn, I could feel my arm hair raise. His eyes looked darker, and the way he was breathing was fast. I could tell he wanted to massacre someone, "C-Chan!! You might hurt him!" / "That was the plan. Move away so I can annihilate him. It's not like it's his first time!" He started taking big steps toward us. Jeongin held tight onto me while repeatedly saying how sorry he was and it was an accident.

He was using me as a shield, which looked very odd to anyone's eyes as he was way taller than me.

I put my hands up in front of me and Chan to make him keep a distance from Jeongin, "Come on, he apologized to you. It was an accident! He's just a kid!" My voice rose, hoping to reach Chan's threatening state but also due to my panicking state, knowing how much Chan is capable of killing me and Jeongin easily.

We three kept moving in a circle, trying to avoid Chan's arm that was reaching over for Jeongin even for the slightest. "A kid that's going to have his final death! My laptop is the most important thing!! I got some really important stuff in there!"

I dreaded thinking of a way to resolve this, knowing Chan is true to his words on killing Jeongin, who's wailing like a child whose candy has been stolen, "Jisung! J-Jisung can fix it. I promise you, he is good with technology! If he can't, then... You..." I looked at Jeongin; the boy didn't care what I was going to say as long as he got a few minutes left to leave, "... can proceed with your intent to kill."

Chan paused for a while, staring into my red eyes while I stared back at him, showing there was no lie in my words to him. I finally took notice of how my hands were on his chest. I could feel his heartbeat slowly going down, which somehow had an effect on my blush but pushed it away.

'Tch' he took a step back, making my hand fall. This made me and Jeongin let out a breath of relief, the boy even dropping down on the ground, undoubtedly exhausted from the bicker.

But Chan wasn't done, glaring at Jeongin before agreeing with my words but adding a condition to it, "But you got to help Y/n with her training to control her powers. A word of disagreement from your mouth, and I won't hesitate to cut you into pieces and turn you into a fox." I could feel Jeongin squealing in fear and quickly nodding with his face still planted on the back of my legs.

"But I don't want to hurt him, Chan!" / "... Don't worry, he is particularly dead already. If he really stops breathing, I can bring him back alive. That's the least of your worries, focus on your powers."

I was scared, to be honest, looking at the boy who still held onto the ends of my skirt from his sitting position. He is young and has already experienced countless deaths that someone wouldn't even bear. I don't want to be his other reason to experience it more than needed.

Chan put his palm on my head, ruffling them, making me look at him, shocked by his boldness, "Trust me... Now, I'm going to Minho. You said he has the controllers, right?" He left just like that, not even waiting for my reply, as he knew the answer to the question already. But I was glad since my red cheek had come back again.

Turning around, I was greeted by Jeongin's teasing look as he attempted to wiggle his eyebrows.

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