You Heard Nothing

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James merely chuckled at Hyunjin's heightened voice, shaking his head. Disturbed by the atrocities in this place, Hyunjin was starting to regret his decision, but a warning look from Minho signaled that suppressing the anger might be the wiser choice.

I glanced at James. Unlike his brother Arthur, James seemed more open to the children expressing their discomfort and hatred for their work. However, Arthur's authoritarian influence loomed large, and even Felix's scared expression could be enough to label someone as a worthless being, doomed to end up like the unfortunate girl.

Finally, Chan spoke up, "You haven't changed at all. Arthur always comes first, even if his judgment is faulty. If he tells you to leap off a cliff, you would do it in a blink of an eye." James didn't deny Chan's accusations; instead, he casually pushed a red button nearby.

Uncanny machine vibrations filled the room.

As we looked back at the girl, four Dobermans emerged, drooling as a small hidden cage opened. Clearly hungry, the dogs wasted no time jumping on top of the girl, tearing her apart. James and Chan observed the gruesome spectacle with an emotionless demeanor, while the rest couldn't help but flinch. The girl's cries echoed through the room.


James ignored Felix's protests and chose to communicate over Felix's panicking voice in a calm and unbothered tone, "If I remember correctly, Jisung was supposed to end up like her... Ah, right! If Y/N hadn't intervened and helped him, he would be another useless body to dispose of."

Minho endured hearing James discuss Jisung like that, feeling a pang of guilt since he had never intended to help Jisung in the first place if it weren't for Y/N. The room fell silent again.

Glancing back, no trace of the girl's body could be detected, not even a bone—just a blood bath. James turned around, stepping away, and the rest followed hesitantly. "Right, I shouldn't be announcing this, but... let's just say I slipped up."

His tone became cheerful as he made sure no one remained in the agony room before addressing the group, "The tournament Minho mentioned is coming up in two weeks. Early, I know... Arthur has put your names as a group under the name 'Stray Kids' in the tournament. It's supposed to be a surprise for you guys, catching you off guard, but, oh well, you didn't hear it from me."

Everyone exchanged glances. Felix and Hyunjin seemed to be temporarily unaffected after witnessing the horrific death, while Minho and Chan were already formulating a plan.

"Now, move along. There should be two guards outside. They will show you to your... cells. My regrets, we don't actually have bedrooms for children around here." James ushered all the children outside before locking the door.

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