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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

(Y/n) stood still at the center in one of the sacred rooms of the Imperial palace. As she stood still, the Elders elaborated her skin with a golden ink.

An Elder made sacred patterns beneath her eyes and her forearms were also elaborated. Her lips were painted by the red berries an Elder used.

The red berries were grown by virgins and they used mortar and pestle to grind the berries and then applied it on to her lips.

(Y/n) could taste the vague sourness on her lips.

Once she was done, the Elders blessed her and left the room for her to do the last step before arriving at her grand coronation.

And that was to pray for an hour.

She clasped her hands together and began praying, silently. (Y/n) prayed that the moment she would receive the crown, she would be a knowledgeable ruler.

She prayed for her Empire's prosperity and that her people would be free from harm's way. She also prayed for her family and her predecessors up above.

But most importantly, she prayed that Navier would be there at her grand coronation.

"Please let Navier be there."

After she was done, she was escorted by her trusted butler out of the palace and into the royal carriage.

"I'll see you there, your highness. Good luck." Stefan smiled.

They both bid farewell and (Y/n) watched him step into another carriage before going ahead of her. The footman opened the door for her and she gladly stepped inside.

The carriage was motionless for a minute, until the coachman whipped to the horses' reins and they started moving.

"There she is!"

"Nevivon's next ruler!"

"May the Gods blessed us with a great sovereign!"

Sure enough, the streets were filled of people loudly cheering and hailing their new sovereign. (Y/n) smiled and waved, these will be the people she would promise to protect.

The Imperial Family had made a great impact on the Empire, especially to its subjects. And now, it was (Y/n)'s turn to led her people to greatness.

(Y/n) afterwards, finally arrived at the Grand Church. The footman opened the door and offered a hand for her to grab.

She took his hand and carefully stepped out of the carriage.

"Are you nervous, your highness?"

The footman asked, his eyes scanned her features and made no doubt that she was the pride and joy of the Empire.

She nodded, "I have already foreseen that this day would come but I feel slightly anxious."

(Y/n) let out a nervous laugh, the footman shook and bowed his head. "Don't worry, your highness. It's only natural that you do."

And then they left, leaving (Y/n) outside at the Grand Church.

She approached the double doors and she could her people murmuring from the inside.

"It's now or never."

The second she said that, the double doors opened and everyone stood up and were bracing themselves for her Majesty's grand coronation.

Behind the doors revealed, hundreds of aristocrats and sovereigns from different parts of the continent.

It was as if the whole world came to see her grand coronation.

The moment she stepped into the church, everyone held their breath. She was breathtaking. Everyone was amazed.

She was beautiful.

As if a goddess had come and disguised herself as a mortal.

(Y/n) held her head high, her structure was poise. Her features were soft but held firmness to it. Solely her footsteps echoed as she walked, everyone could not take their eyes off her.

One particular Crown Prince was awestruck. He still couldn't believe that their empires has the longest alliance ever written.

He gulped, he didn't know if it was the sun reflecting her accessories but she was glowing. The moment his eyes met hers, Sovieshu knew...

He was in love.

Beside him was his soon-to-be wife, Navier, their marriage was arranged and they were engaged at a very young age. The blonde, like him, was also awestruck.

At her age, she had always admired her childhood friend and she was her role model.

Navier ought to become just like her, (Y/n) met her gaze and the (h/c)-nette smiled and gave her wink before her features returned to its former apathetic look.

(Y/n) reached the altar, the high priest muttered something only she could hear and she knelt. As she did this, everyone sat dow in their seats.

Throughout for 5 hours, the High Priest blessed and prayed the Empire and the Empress to be as she knelt. 5 hours she had to bear, but she endured all, as this was only the start of what's about to come.

After 5 hours, (Y/n) finally stood up. The High Priest presented a golden bowl with a dragon on it.

Inside the bowl, was a clear shimmer of water, more specifically, it was melted diamonds.

'She will drink that?'

Navier inwardly gasped, she knew melted diamonds were involved, as it was a part of Nevivon's spiritual beliefs, but she wasn't informed that (Y/n) would drink it.





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