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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜



"Lady Rashta!"

A voice managed to break her out from her trance, quickly looking away from the (h/c)-nette to see the person who had called her.

And when she turned back to face the woman, the concubine saw her walking away. She wanted to call out to her and confront her for what she did, but—

She was to scared to say anything.

"My lady!"

Her maid rushed to her side, when she reached her, the silver-nette's legs gave out.

"My lady—" She gasped, instinctively catching the mistress in her arms and she could feel her shaking.

"My lady! Are you alright?!"

Her voice earned a few concerned and startled gazes from the people in the room.

Rashta saw this and tried to swallow down her fear, trying to compose herself in front of the others.

"I-I'm fine."

She stuttered as she stood up and pushed the maid away. "Really." She gave her a reassuring smile but the maid wasn't convinced.


"It was just the dress, hehe~" She giggled, stating her excuse. "Rashta must've been so excited that I nearly tripped."

She gave out the most endearing smiles, the aristocrats who had been staring let out a few chuckles of their own.

Thinking it was adorable.

"Oh, I see. Then, please be careful next time, my lady."

Rashta nodded, "I will~"

The maid then escorted her inside— where the ceremony would take place.

But her eyes narrowed and took a quick glance at the spot where that woman was standing.

And Rashta wouldn't lie, the woman in front of her was absolutely—

She gulped, quickly trying to calm herself down, forcing herself to ignore that woman for the time being.

But deep down she knew, she couldn't.

The way how those sharp (e/c) coloured eyes stared at her, the way she just said nothing and did nothing still sent shivers down her spine.

That woman was absolutely terrifying.

And she knew she'll just have to ask the Emperor who she was, soon.

(Y/n) walked back at where she had parted with her cousin, patting her clothes off— seeing when that woman bumped into her— wrinkles had formed.

Who was that anyways?

She sighed, not like it mattered but she was quivering quite a bit.

Actually— she was quivering a lot.

Was she that scary, perhaps?

"Your majesty!"

(Y/n) halted in her tracks, a familiar Prince approached with a joyous expression on his face.

"Ah, Prince Heinley." She smiled.


His magenta coloured eyes scanned her from head to toe, "You're not wearing a dress?" The Nevivonnian Empress giggled and shook her head.

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