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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

She sniffled and Duke Ergi patted her shoulder, reassuringly.

"Do not worry miss. I'm sure everything will go back to normal once the chewbone has been shifted."

She looked up at him with her doe like eyes full of hope. "Will it r-really?"

He nodded and smiled comfortingly at her, "It will, trust me."

Right, the said lie she thought Ergi had said was actually the truth— for her, that is. And when he had explained to her that Empress (Y/n) simply believed the rumours...

She decided to nod her head, "Okay."

He beamed and he gently caressed her head, "Good!" Rashta cutely pouted at his actions, her tears were no longer there.

"I'm not a kid, you know."

He laughed, "Haha! I'm sorry, you just looked cute, I couldn't help it."

"Now, just keep playing your part and everything will go on smoothly."

He shot her wink and she returned him a smile. Sooner or later, everyone will forget that stupid rumour...

And everyone will love her again.

(Y/n) walked down the hallways giddily. She was feeling estatic with her time with Navier.

Although there was sudden someone interrupting a bit of their time, but after that, all went well.

She hummed a light tone as she walked. Her heart was beating more than usual after her meeting with the blonde.

It was already obvious that she was in love.

Heck— she already had fallen from the moment they met.

The way her beautiful green eyes stared right through her, the way her pearly whites would smile whenever she was around.

And the way how her name would roll softly on her tongue—


Her heart couldn't take it anymore. It felt like it would burst out from her chest if she keeps thinking about her~!

Whenever she was with the blonde, everything would feel like a dream to her.

Is that how a one would feel whenever a goddess stands with them?

She sure would hope so, because it was such an addictive feeling— but she just couldn't get enough.

She wanted more.


She wanted to wrap her arms around her and bury her face into the crook of her neck. She wanted to indulge herself to the intoxicating scent of the Eastern Empress.

She wanted to whisper sweet nothings into her ear, reassuring her that (Y/n) would protect her against the world's dangers.

She wanted to feel her warmth, and she most certainly would want to know how her lips would feel against hers—

'Snap out of it!'

The (h/c)-nette slapped her cheeks roughly with her hands.

'Stop thinking about her in such ways!'

She told herself, trying to rid herself with such amorous thoughts.

Her cheeks were burning— from both being flustered and the pain, but she couldn't stop herself.

Her love for her was forbidden.

Or was it really?

Such love was rare but it wasn't unheard of— at least, that's how things goes in her country.

And yet, who could blame her for falling in love to the most radiant and most graceful woman?

No one, of course!

Just stop and think who wouldn't?

(Y/n) thought for sure she wouldn't feel such a way, but the God of Love must've accidentally struck her with his arrow and her eyes happened to land on the most beautiful woman on Earth.


But unfortunately, fate decided to play with her.

Navier was already a married woman to one of the most powerful Emperor's of the world.

It was really unfortunate, and also more so when she knew he didn't felt the same way when he met her.

His concubine was proof of that.

Honestly, what on earth was he thinking?

He had the most— practically— perfect woman right beside him.

Couldn't he see how lucky he was?!

And yet, he decided to discard her and have a slave as his replacement.

A slave?!

A runaway slave for Pete's sake!

What did that woman have that Navier doesn't?


That woman had dirt all over and Navier was as pristinely clean as ever.

So, maybe he was attracted to dirt?

Honestly, couldn't he distinguish between ugly and pretty?

She sighed, if she hadn't caught the blonde crying like that, then maybe she wouldn't act so coldly to that woman.

She thought that: Hey, maybe not all mistresses aren't that bad as her uncle would say.

She supposed that the one that Sovieshu was having around fit in that category. She doesn't seem it yet...


Suddenly, an image of a white haired woman flashed in front of her eyes.

'Another vision.'

She thought, seeing what seemed to be the concubine sitting on chair and held a fan close to her face.

It was then the image disappeared and (Y/n) was merely left with what she had saw.

"What did that mean?"

"Mean what?"

And just like that, her mood of a giddy character was instantly replaced with rage in just a snap.

Her once red blushy face changed into a cold and fierce one, as her glared held an icy mark in them.

"Go away."

She spat. But the Duke merely shook his head and chuckled.

"It is nice to see you too."

"What do you want?"

She hissed, not liking how he was beginning to stride towards her.

"I simply wish to talk to you."

His soul melted like butter when she glares at him like that.

There wasn't a single time he wouldn't feel submissive whenever he stands within her presence.

"Well, I don't want to."

She began to walk away from him, not sparing him mere glance— and it made him almost squeal in delight at her coldness.

But he doesn't have time for that, when they were currently with a plan. So, he made sure to pick the right words.

And his statement made her paused.




"If this plan all works out, do you think she'll love you after that?"

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now