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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"Our outmost greetings to her majesty, Empress (Y/n)!"

Her court officials greeted, as she sat on her throne, all in her full regalia.

Her outfit consists of an ablicant coloured, long sleeved shirt with golden patterns and embroideries.

Paired with a long red overcoat that reaches the back of her knees, the end of the overcoat's sleeves were decorated with frills that sways with her every move.

On one side of her overcoat, was adorned by multiple military medals and pins and on the other side was an aiguillette loosely hanging on her right shoulder with a single brooch, that was a priceless heirloom.

Her white pants had a golden trim on each sides of it and her footwear was merely a light cream coloured shoes. Her hands were covered by pure white gloves.

Her long flowing (h/c) hair's very long forelocks, were pulled to the back of her head.

Two thick braids hang loose, with one behind the other and one in front, each were bound by a goldenrod silk ribbon.

Near the end of the braid was a pearled band with a gold charm hanging from it. And sitting lovely on her head was the Empress' most valuable treasure.

Her late mother's tiara.

A golden made tiara, that fit her head perfectly and was decorated by blue like crystals that seemed to scintillate and reflect the colour of (Y/n)'s eyes.

And to top it all of.

Draping on her shoulders, was the Imperial Family's signature Imperial mantle that reaches the end of the stairs.

Her ladies-in-waiting certainly did not fail to make her quite not like any other.

"Tell me, what urgent matter is in need to be discussed that would require my audience?"

"Your majesty."

One of her court officials started, "We asked for her majesty's audience, because we wished to discuss the renovation plans for the Rosa Foetida Palace."

Rosa Foetida Palace, one of the five palaces that her uncle had left before departing on to the other side.

It was a palace that was left inhabited during the late Emperor's reign.

The reason was because he despised having a consort or concubines when he was the Emperor.

He didn't marry because he didn't trust women carrying his offspring and he certainly despised having mistresses because he thought they were impure and filthy.

In other words, the Rosa Foetida Palace was a palace purposely built for the concubines of the Emperor.

And in (Y/n)'s hand, her uncle had left her a statement that said that he wished for her to either demolish or renovate that place.

She clearly chose the latter, it would be ashame to demolish such an establishment that took 23 years to build.

Both her and Piere rose a brow, the latter who was standing at the end of the stairs below her.

"The renovation plans? Wouldn't that be simply discussed in my office?"

"Ah— Yes, of course, your majesty. But..."

One of the late Emperor's trusted Dukes, spoke, "We also would like to discuss something other than the renovations, your majesty."

"Oh? And what's that?"

He then cleared his throat and straightened his composure, "We would like to discuss on her majesty's soon-to-be Imperial consort."

Her secretary was almost choked on his on spit whilst she was slightly taken aback.

"An Imperial consort?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Surely your majesty knows that she would need a partner to help rule the whole Empire."

(Y/n) stared at them, clearly unimpressed. "The Empress would need an Imperial consort to help rule the Empire..."

"Yes, your maj—"

"But an Emperor is allowed to rule his nation singlehandedly."


"You must understand—"

The Empress gave them a mocking chuckle, "You must have forgotten who you all are talking to."

"Y—Your majesty...?"

She straightened her posture, and in their eyes, they instantly knew for sure that she was their sovereign unlike any other.

"I, (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n), am both the Emperor and Empress of this very Empire. Every word I speak, every move I make, simply isn't for my name and dignity, but is for our proud and almighty Empire's representation of both the Emperor and the Empress. And for you all to think that I could not bend and shape this nation singlehandedly, then you best better guess that you all are gravely mistaken."

Everyone but Piere, shrunk back in fear, their legs were quivering and they didn't even try to hide it.

How can she, a mere 17 year old girl, strike fear into the hearts of her own court officials?

Men who were clearly older than her? Was it because of her status? Her power? Her Family's dreadful history?

Or was it because the way her eyes spoke, clearly louder than her own words?

No doubt, she is the true heir and successor of their beloved late Emperor.

"And even if I did appointed a consort, your sons will be of no use to me."

Everyone gasped and some even choked on their own saliva after hearing her words.

As (Y/n) stood up, her piercing (e/c) eyes looked down upon them and she knew what she was doing.

"This audience is over, those who would dare not to trust and dare to betray me shall be held punishable by treason and execution shall be your punishment."

"Yes, your majesty!"

Everyone dropped on to the ground and kneeled, they all closed their hands into a fist and placed it upon their chest.

A sign of loyalty, the Duke thought.

Piere internally nodded, clearly her majesty had memorized every single book she was given and even used it to her own advantage.

"Now then, you are all dismissed."

(Y/n) remove herself from the room, with her secretary tailing behind her.

Her heavy mantle didn't dare to slow her down, even with such a cumbersome garment, she managed to walk like a true monarch.

The walk back to her chambers was quiet, but the silence wasn't uncomfortable, both knew there was nothing to be said.

As they both reached her room, her ladies-in-waiting who were all awaiting inside, immediately greeted both her and the Duke.

The Duke then excused himself to get her some sweets which seemed unusual to the ladies, due to the fact that, he usually prevents her from consuming afters.

"So, how did the audience go, your majesty?"

(Y/n) raised her hands sideways, allowing the ladies to take her very heavy mantle off. Once gone, she felt relief that the weight on her shoulders was gone.

The (h/c)-nette smiled at them and giggled.




"It went quite well."

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