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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"What do you mean?"

She held her form firmly against hers, as if she was afraid to let go.

"His majesty, the Emperor, do you think differently of him now?"

(Y/n) spun her around, her white dress swayed beautifully with each move they would skillfully make.

"I won't lie."

She smiled— but a sad one at that, "I am somewhat disappointed."

Navier let out a tiny gasp and almost lost her balance— if it weren't for the (h/c)-nette's firm hold.

She chuckled as she noticed it, "Don't worry, I won't tell."

The blonde playfully scoffed and returned her smile. Of course she would be disappointed, Sovieshu had basically changed himself at this point.

(Y/n) then met eyes with the concubine, who had been eyeing them— her— for quite some time now.

"Am I really that eye catching?"

The Eastern Empress hummed, "Well, everyone certainly says you're beautiful."

She looked down and her emerald coloured eyes sparkled from her perspective, actually, her whole form was scintillating.

"Do you think I'm beautiful, my Queen?"

That question caught her off guard, the (h/c)-nette was intently staring at her, a red hue dusted upon her cheeks.

Navier sighed through her nose and smiled, "Very." Her answer suddenly made her knees feel weak beneath her.

Her breathing suddenly became ragged and excited.

Her answer was so simple and yet look what it was doing to her. The blonde saw how red her face was and looked at her in concern.

"Are you alright, your majesty?"

"I-I'm f-fine."

"Really? Because you face is—"

(Y/n) unexpectedly dipped her partner, earning a surprised squeal from her.

That wasn't part of the dance!

She brought her back close to her and the moment she gaze her face on her, her face was no longer red.

"You were saying about my face?"

Navier was still in shock when a loud roar of cheers and applauses filled the room, snapping her back to reality.

The Nevivon Empress reluctantly let go of her hold and bowed at the Imperial woman in front of her.

The blonde did the same, (Y/n) was always full of surprises.

"Dance the next one with me."

Sovieshu's stern and deep voice made the duo stare at him. Although when he glance a the (h/c)-nette, he felt a pang of guilt inside his chest.


Navier sighed and she nodded at his statement, as the two sovereigns then began to dance away from them.

"Your majesty!"

The said woman stared at her with questioning expression, her (e/c) coloured eyes were looking down upon her due to her height.

"Please dance with me!"

Rashta beamed, smiling ear-to-ear as she impatiently awaited for her answer.

But before she could say anything, a familiar voice called out to her. (Y/n) internally sighed, she wondered what he wanted now.

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