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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

She was so thankful for Ergi's heads up. If she had started a rumour carelessly about the Imperial monarch, she would've lost her head.

"I have heard about the Nevivon Empire from my servants and they reassured me that Nevivon isn't a scary place, but I'm beginning to doubt their words."

She'll bet that her maids only said that to her so that they wouldn't scare her.

"Can you tell me the truth, your grace? Is Nevivon a bad place?"

Her doe like eyes stared at him innocently.

"Well, it's neither bad nor good. The Empire is beautiful but the history behind it is...not so beautiful."

"Are they really that cruel like what the rumours say?"

"That generally depends on the person." He smirked, "But Empress (Y/n) can be cruel whenever she wants."

"Is Empress (Y/n) a bad person? Rashta wanted so badly to be friends with her but the Emperor told me to stay away from her."

"The Emperor told you to stay away from her? Why?"

"Rashta doesn't know, he merely told her just because he said so."

Ergi placed his fingers underneath his chin, "Then I suggest you do what his majesty told you."

"Why? Do have an idea why he wants me to stay away from her?"

He hummed, "I have a hunch on why he told you to avoid her and that's because..."

He leaned closely into her ear and in a low voice, he said. "Empress (Y/n) likes you."




She stared at him with surprised expression as he pulled away with that signature smirk of his.

"The Empress likes me?"

"Yes, she does. And that his majesty told you to stay away from her because he'll get jealous whenever you're around her."

It was obvious he was lying through his teeth, but he wanted to know how this would play out.

"But she gave Rashta a scary look, I don't think she likes me..."

The Duke shook his head and gave her a comforting smile, "Oh that was because I teased her a bit. She didn't mean to look angrily at you."

"Oh... I see..."

He grinned and was about to sip his tea, when she shot him another question.

"You seem to know more about the Empress, are you friends with her?"


A sad smile appeared on his face— as her question made him recall the fun times they had.

"We used to be..."

He muttered under his breath. Good thing Rashta doesn't have a sharp hearing— otherwise she might've caught his words.

"Pardon? I didn't get that."

"Oh, it's nothing. As for your question, yes, yes we are."

Rashta's fear of (Y/n) went away that day, she was now feeling happy at the fact that the (h/c)-nette liking her and that the Emperor was merely jealous of her getting close to the Empress.

Such obliviousness will surely make her shed a tear or two.

"If not her majesty, then who am I going to pass the chewbone to?"

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